Mrs. Obama Wants $400M to Cut Drive Time Five Minutes

Mrs. Obama Wants $400M to Cut Drive Time Five Minutes

October 28th, 2010

Terrence P. Jeffrey,

First  Lady Michelle Obama has called on Congress to create a $400   million-a-year program to encourage the establishment of supermarkets in   places she calls “food deserts.”

The situation in these “food  deserts,” as Mrs. Obama describes it, is  quite dire indeed. American  children are growing fat because their  parents cannot get to a  supermarket—to buy fruits and vegetables—without  undergoing the  hardship of boarding a bus or riding a taxi. As a  consequence,  food-desert-dwelling children are forced to eat fast food  and junk  procured at chain restaurants and convenience stores…

In the 2008 farm bill, Congress mandated that the department conduct a $500,000 study of “food deserts.” The study—“Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Measuring and Understanding Food Deserts and Their Consequences”—was published in June 2009.

The  report demonstrates that Mrs. Obama’s depiction of American “food   deserts” is fatuous at best. Lower-income Americans live closer to   supermarkets than higher-income Americans…

There are 23.5  million people who live in “low income” areas that are  more than a mile  from the nearest supermarket. But more than half of  these people are  not low-income, and almost everyone in these  areas–93.3 percent—drive  their cars to the supermarket. On average,  they spend 4.5 minutes more  than the typical American traveling to the  supermarket.

Read more.

The Most Important Decision You’ll Ever Make

The Most Important Decision You’ll Ever Make

October 25th, 2010

Don Feder,

When you step into the  voting booth on November 2, you will make the  most important decision  of your life. You’ll literally be voting on your  future – or, more  precisely, whether or not you and your country will  have one.

Would you like to live in Cuba, own a business in Venezuela or have the   civil liberties of an Iranian? Without a radical reversal of course,   those happy fates could be yours.

Think of the watershed elections of our lifetime – Nixon-McGovern   (1972), Reagan-Carter (1980), The Contract With America (1994), and   Bush-Gore (2000). None even comes close to the importance of what will   happen in less than two weeks.

You won’t just be voting for a House member and, in some cases, a   Senator. You won’t just be voting on whether Nancy Pelosi (“We have to   pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it”) remains Speaker of the   House, or whether Harry Reid (town meeting protestors are   “evil-mongers”) is still the Senate Majority Leader.

You will be voting on whether Obama will still have a rubber-stamp   Congress on January 3, 2011 – where a Democratic majority (liberal pod   people) vote robotically for whatever economy-annihilating measures the   administration dreams up.

If you want a snapshot of Obama’s vision of America (a Kodak moment  from  Hell), consider the political mutants who descended on our  nation’s  capital on October 2 to push his agenda.

Along with the usual assortment of labor hacks, educrats and racial   guilt-mongers, One Nation Working Together included the Communist Party   USA, the Democratic Socialists of America, the American Muslim   Association (People for the Jihad Way), the U.S. Campaign to End the   (alleged) Israeli Occupation, and the National Council of La Raza (The   Race).

Read more.

Marie Antoinette has nothing on the Obamas except the Teleprompter

..the President’s team has booked the entire Taj Mahal hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. Since his security contingent and staff will comprise a huge number, 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each at the Grand Hyatt and Oberoi hotels. The NCPA, where the President is expected to meet representatives from the business community, has also been entirely booked.

….Obama’s contingent is huge. There are two jumbo jets coming along with Air Force One, which will be flanked by security jets. There will be 30 to 40 secret service agents, who will arrive before him. The President’s convoy has 45 cars, including the Lincoln Continental I* which the President travels.

Since Obama will stay in a hotel that is on the sea-front, elaborate coastal security arrangements have been made by the U.S. Navy in consonance with the Indian Navy and the Coast Guard. There will be U.S. naval ships, along with Indian vessels, patrolling the sea till about 330-km from the shore. This is to negate the possibility of a missile being fired from a distance…..
The President will be accompanied by his chefs, not because he would not like to savor Indian cuisine, but to insure his food is not spiked.

The pathetic inability of Barack Obama to speak without the help of a teleprompter will be showcased to the world’s most populous democracy when the president flees the electoral aftermath and decamps for India after the November electiona. Daily News and Analysis India reports:

A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when US President Barack Obama addresses MPs on November eight.

The pathetic inability of Barack Obama to speak without the help of a teleprompter will be showcased to the world’s most populous democracy when the president flees the electoral aftermath and decamps for India after the November electiona. Daily News and Analysis India reports:

As per the tentative programme being worked out, the address by Obama, who once said that “America has its roots in the India of Mahatma Gandhi”, would not be for more than 20 minutes.

INSANE! Reid: ‘But for Me, We’d be in World-Wide Depression.’

Senator Harry Reid boldly states that he is the savior of the world economy.   He is clearly frustrated that voters are not more appreciative of what’s he’s done for them.

Where would the world be without Harry Reid?
That’s The Question the World Needs To Ask, That’s right folks, according to Harry Reid, he alone saved us all from a world wide depression.
What Cave As He Been Living In? Is H. Reid totally Senile?
Please watch the interview and you decide.

Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is ‘on the table’

Republican congressional
candidate says violent overthrow of government is ‘on the table’

12:00 AM CDT on Friday, October
22, 2010

Morning News

WASHINGTON – Republican
congressional candidate Stephen Broden stunned his party Thursday, saying
he would not rule out violent overthrow of the government if elections did not
produce a change in leadership.

In a rambling exchange during a TV interview, Broden, a South Dallas
pastor, said a violent uprising “is not the first option,” but it is “on
the table.” That drew a quick denunciation from the head of the Dallas County
GOP, who called the remarks “inappropriate.”

Broden, a first-time candidate, is challenging veteran incumbent Rep. Eddie Bernice
in Dallas’ heavily Democratic 30th Congressional
District. Johnson’s campaign declined to comment on Broden.

In the interview, Brad
, political reporter for WFAA-TV (Channel 8), asked
Broden about a tea party event last year in Fort
in which he described the nation’s government as

“We have a constitutional remedy,” Broden said then. “And the Framers say if
that don’t work, revolution.”

Watson asked if his definition of revolution included violent overthrow of
the government. In a prolonged back-and-forth, Broden at first declined to
explicitly address insurrection, saying the first way to deal with a repressive
government is to “alter it or abolish it.”

“If the government is not producing the results or has become destructive to
the ends of our liberties, we have a right to get rid of that government and to
get rid of it by any means necessary,” Broden said, adding the nation was
founded on a violent revolt against Britain’s
King George III.

Watson asked if violence would be in option in 2010, under the current

“The option is on the table. I don’t think that we should remove anything
from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms,” Broden said,
without elaborating. “However, it is not the first option.”

Germany Confronts the Failure of Multiculturalism

Germany Confronts the Failure of Multiculturalism

Posted By Jacob Laksin On October 22, 2010 @ 12:24 am In FrontPage

German Chancellor Angela Merkel ignited a political firestorm this past weekend when she pronounced [1] German multiculturalism a failure.

Addressing a youth delegation of her Christian Democratic Union Party, Merkel observed that in light of the widespread failure of immigrants, particularly Muslims, to integrate – whether by learning the German language or by adopting German cultural and legal norms – the country could have no illusions about the success of its so-called multikulti policies in assimilating immigrants.

“We kidded ourselves a while, we said: ‘They won’t stay, sometime they will be gone’, but this isn’t reality. And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other… has failed, utterly failed.”

Merkel added that the only solution was for immigrants to learn the language and to integrate into the dominant German culture.

As any mention of the untouchable issue of immigration tends do, Merkel’s comments elicited furious condemnation from the German and Left. The left-wing Tageszeitung dismissed her remarks as populist posturing. The Financial Times Deutschland insisted that such rhetoric “cannot be excused.” Still other critics charged that Merkel was stoking “xenophobia.”

Yet the most notable aspect of Merkel’s remarks is just how unremarkable they were. Indeed, the most compelling criticism of her public renunciation of multiculturalism is that it has come too late in Germany’s immigrant crisis.

That crisis dates back to the 1950s. At the time, vast numbers of foreign guest workers, or Gastarbeiter, were required to make up for the post-war labor shortage. In the years that followed, these migrant laborers were needed to fuel the country’s booming industrial economy.

If many of the contemporary problems of immigration and integration were not anticipated, one reason is that it was assumed these workers would return to their countries of origin. Initially, many did just that. Over time, however, fewer and fewer returned. Temporary guests became permanent ones, with the consequence that Germany is now home to some 16 million foreign workers out of its population of 82 million.

Not all of these foreign workers have failed to integrate into German society. Whether Russian or Chinese [2], many have learned German, found jobs, and become productive members of society even as they’ve retained the traditions and language of their native culture. An important exception, however, is Germany’s Turkish community, which at 2.5 million also happens to be the country’s largest ethnic minority. That community is also at the heart of many of Germany’s social, and increasingly, security problems. When Merkel talks about the utter failure of multiculturalism, this is what she has in mind.

The failure of German Turks to assimilate is a well-documented phenomenon. A 2009 study by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development found that even after 50 years and three generation in the country, Turks remained a people apart. They reside in what Germans have come to call “parallel communities,” a diplomatic term for what are in effect ethnic ghettos shunted off from mainstream German society. This exclusion exacts a heavy toll on new generations, many of whom do not know the native language. Reports of primary school classes where 80 percent of children cannot speak German are testimony to the seriousness of the problem.

Religion would seem to be one of the underlying reasons for the Turks’ persistent outsider status. Turks make up the majority of Germany’s 4 million Muslim residents, and despite the secular reputation of 20th century Turkey, there is abundant evidence that their brand of Islam has been in tension with German culture and society.

That is most evident in the contrasting levels of religious commitment. While Germany has followed the European trend toward secularization, its Turkish immigrants remain fervently religious. A 2006 study by the Essen Center for Turkish Studies found that 83 percent of Muslims of Turkish-origins described themselves as religious or strictly religious. And while German leaders have long toed the politically correct line that Islam is fully compatible with German ways – even the blunt-speaking Merkel has paid repeated lip service to the pluralistic cliché that Islam is a “part of Germany” – Turkish Muslims seem to disagree. Not only do nearly half of German Turks say that Islamic laws are incompatible with German society, but many live that way. Forced marriages and “honor” killings are two of the more prominent examples of Islamic practices clashing with German laws and culture. Even in death, many Muslim immigrants spurn integration. By some estimates [3], as many as 80 percent of Muslims have their bodies sent to their home countries so as to avoid a non-Muslim burial on German soil.

More and more, that clash of civilizations underlies a security concern in Germany. This August, German authorities finally shuttered the city’s Taiba mosque, a nursery of jihadist terror whose alumni included September 11 ringleader Mohamed Atta [4]. Just this week, German federal prosecutors arrested [5] 8 men, including a Turkish national, on charges of supporting al-Qaeda and spreading terrorist propaganda on the internet. Previous crackdowns on German-based jihadist groups have also netted Turkish Islamists. As a result, Germany is now on the international radar as a major base for jihadist terror. When the U.S. recently issued a travel alert for Europe, it specifically cited Islamists originating in Germany.

With the costs of multiculturalism’s failure so plain to see, it’s not surprising that many Germans are anxious about where mass immigration has led them. Merkel’s recent comments are only the latest crack in the politically correct “consensus” surrounding the taboo subject. In August, Thilo Sarrazin, a senior official at Germany’s central bank, published a book about the dangers of Muslim immigration whose theme was summed up in its provocative title: Germany Does Itself In. Sarrazin was forced to resign his position amid press furor, but his book continues to top Germany’s best-seller lists – a good indication of where the public’s sympathies lie. Another measure of the national doubts about the wisdom off immigration comes from a recent study, which found that one-third of Germans feel the country is being “over-run by foreigners,” while nearly 60 percent feel that Muslim religious practices should be “significantly curbed.” Elite opinion remains hostile to open discussion of immigration, especially Muslim immigration, but a growing segment of German popular opinion plainly feels that it represents a legitimate worry.

While this concern is encouraging, mirroring as it does Europe’s broader awakening to the issues of immigration and Islamic extremism, it is not altogether a heartening phenomenon.  For one thing, the growing alarm about the problem of Muslim integration coexists with a revived anti-Semitism. The same study that found Germans supporting restrictions on certain Islamic practices also found that 17 percent think Jews “have too much influence.” Another problem is that while it is becoming more acceptable to point out the failures of multiculturalism, no serious solution has been offered. Modest attempts at assimilation, such as language classes, are unlikely to overcome entrenched cultural and religious divides.

That will become an even bigger problem for Germany in the decades ahead. At 1.36 children per woman, Germans have one of the lowest fertility rates not only in Europe but in recorded history. Statistics on Germany’s Turkish community are sparse, but there is a consensus that comparatively they have many more children. If those trends hold, Germany likely will look very different in the not-so-distant future. Acknowledging that multiculturalism has failed may be a necessary first step to coping with the consequences of Islamic immigration. But it will not save Germany from that looming demographic predicament.

Palin has last laugh on PBS host, Kos

Palin has last laugh on PBS host, Kos

Sneering commentators thought they caught tea party leader in history

Posted: October 21, 2010
12:35 am Eastern

By Art

© 2010 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON - APRIL 15:  Gwen Ifill, moderator of PBS's 'Washington Week,' listens during a taping of 'Meet the Press' at the NBC Studios April 15, 2007 in Washington, DC. Ifill spoke on the controversy that was created by radio talk show host Don Imus' racial and gender comments to the players of Rutgers University women's basketball team.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images for Meet the Press)
Blogger Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos and PBS host Gwen Ifill could
barely contain themselves when they came across an apparent elementary
historical-knowledge gaffe by tea party favorite Sarah Palin, but it turns out
the left-leaning commentators were the ones with egg on their faces.
Moulitsas – a major power-broker in the Democratic Party’s left-wing base –
dashed off a message to his thousands of followers through the Internet social network Twitter after Palin told tea party
activists in Nevada, “Don’t party like it’s 1773 yet,” reported
the blogger who uses the pen name Cuffy Meigs
, “She’s so smart.”
Ifill wrote:
“Sarah Palin: party like its 1773! Ummm.”
Others mocked Palin with comments such as “uhhh” and “[expletive] happened in
Palin presumably knows the U.S. was born in 1776. But what Moulitsas and his
crew didn’t recall was that 1773 was the year of the Boston Tea Party, the
inspiration for the grass roots movement that is threatening to sweep the
Democratic Party from power in Congress next month.

WASHINGTON - APRIL 15:  Gwen Ifill, moderator of PBS's 'Washington Week,' listens during a taping of 'Meet the Press' at the NBC Studios April 15, 2007 in Washington, DC. Ifill spoke on the controversy that was created by radio talk show host Don Imus' racial and gender comments to the players of Rutgers University women's basketball team.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images for Meet the Press)

Who is more unpopular than Obama?

Who is more unpopular than Obama?



As always, Gallup
has the answer:

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s favorable rating is down
seven percentage points since May to 29%, a new low for her since assuming the
top congressional post.

Pelosi’s ratings were 2-to-1 positive, 44% to
22%, when she first assumed the speakership in January 2007, but they became
closely divided by March of that year and remained so in November 2008. Views
became more negative than positive for the first time in the first half of 2009,
possibly because of Pelosi’s public stance against the CIA’s use of “enhanced
interrogation” of terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay prison, and her dispute
with the CIA over whether she had been briefed on the matter. Spanning the
period these issues were in the news, her favorable rating fell from 42% to 32%.
Pelosi’s favorable rating recovered slightly in the first half of 2010 to 36%,
but it has since tumbled to the new low.
Independents in particular have become more negative about Pelosi, with her
favorability dwindling nine points among this group since May, to 21%. Nearly 6
in 10 independents (58%) now view her unfavorably, compared with 86% of
Republicans and 22% of Democrats.

With her own members running re-election ads trashing her, those numbers
aren’t surprising. There is little doubt that she will have a much easier time
managing things next January when her decimated caucus looks up from the
minority benches.

What illegal aliens are not

What illegal aliens are not



Those illegally in a country are not immigrants. Technically, there is no
such thing as an “illegal immigrant”. An immigrant is involved with an
established and orderly procedure of immigration (entering a country to which
one is not native in order to settle there by legal process).
They are not immigrants (the liberal media’s favorite), not undocumented
immigrants (the PC fan favorite), not undocumented
(Gloria Allred’s favorite), not undocumented
(Harry Reid’s favorite), not economic immigrants (Big Business
favorite), not immigrants without work papers, not people who are working (open
borders activist favorite), not migrant workers, not entrants, not day laborers,
not the “unbanked
(Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorite), not irregular
(the U.N.’s favorite) and certainly not “new Americans” the latest term applied
by the persistent amnesty zealots.
The federal government has defined them as “illegal
” since the 1980’s and explicitly uses that term in its laws and

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at October 20, 2010 – 11:59:35 AM CDT

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Janet Napolitano’s New Advisor

Janet Napolitano’s New Advisor



Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano would no
doubt claim “The system worked” when she vetted Mohamed Elibiary, her latest
appointee to the Homeland Security Advisory Council, but Daniel
raises some serious questions:

Mohamed Elibiary was one of the speakers at a December 2004 conference in
Dallas entitled “A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary,” Ayatollah Khomeini.
When Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News called him on this, he threatened Dreher, telling him: “Expect someone to put a
banana in your exhaust pipe.” (snip)
…from the Department of Homeland Security, October 15 (thanks to Jeff):
Mohamed Elibiary is the President and CEO of the Freedom and Justice
Foundation, and has advised numerous federal, state and local law enforcement
organizations including the Texas Department of Safety and National
Counterterrorism Center Global Engagement Group on matters relating to homeland
security. Recently, Elibiary served on DHS’s Homeland Security Advisory Council
Countering Violent Extremism Working Group, and currently serves on the Texas
Department of Public Safety Advisory Board. In December of 2009 he helped
establish the Texas Fusion Center Policy Council to enhance information sharing,
analytical capabilities and community relations at the state and local law
enforcement levels.
I have met Mohamed Elibiary. He is a slick fellow. You can read here his dancing and obfuscation about deception in Islam and
other matters, in a long exchange we had here at Jihad Watch. Read it carefully,
noting the questions I ask him and the answers he gives to them, and ask
yourself whether he really ought to be on the Homeland Security Advisory
Elibiary once asked me to post his explanation of his appearance at the
Khomeini tribute conference. You can read all about that here.