Your Coal-fired Electric Car

Your Coal-fired Electric Car



Rush Limbaugh has coined some of the best words for saving our PC-corrupted
public language, but I think this gem should be remembered: Rush says that
electric cars are “coal-fired.”
Which is exactly correct, and it’s funny, too.
Millions of bubble brains in the media think the GM Volt is supposed to be
the answer to our energy needs. It is of course a fraud, as GM actually admitted
after it hyped the new Volt. It’s not
a “hybrid electric,”
as GM lied to the hearty applause of Obama and the New
York Times. Rather it’s a gas-powered car for 340 miles per tank, and you can
run it for 40 miles on batteries that will have to be replaced when they stop
taking a charge, as batteries do. That’s why your laptop battery has to be
replaced after a while. And it will cost you $ 41,000.00 to snoot out the other
Green suckers.
But the real fallacy, as Rush points out, is that electrical energy for
your hypemobile has to come from somewhere. It’s a scientific law called the
Conservation of Energy. You start out with 10 million ergs and turn it into 40
miles of driving your putt-putt down the highway. You lose half of your original
energy at every step in the chain from your coal-fired generator plant to the
rubber wheels moving your shiny new Volt.
In most of the world electrical energy comes from coal, with a lot less
from nuclear. Both of those are sinful energy sources. The Greenies imagine the
planet slowly dying from all that stuff.  But that little Volt you drive around
is really fired by electricity from a carbon energy source: coal. It’s the
“coal-fired car.”  And it’s China that is now building coal-fired plants fast
enough to outpace the rest of the world. That’s because the Chinese power class
listens to engineers, not ignorant headline writers.
Rush dropped that phrase a few weeks ago, and I hope it doesn’t disappear
down the vast collective memory hole, because “coal-fired” tells the
exact truth.
It takes all the steam out of the hypemobile.
It’s your coal-fired GM Volt.
Pass it on.

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at November 30, 2010 – 05:40:15 PM CST

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Obama’s Envoy: We’ll Slash Carbon Footprint “Even Without Domestic Legislation”

Obama’s Envoy: We’ll Slash Carbon Footprint “Even Without Domestic Legislation”

November 30th, 2010

Dana Gatusso, National Policy Center Blog

As  UN negotiators attempt to lower the expectations bar on the  climate  change talks that kicked off yesterday in Cancun, keep your eye on  Todd  Stern, the Obama administration’s special climate change envoy and  the  U.S. government’s representative at the talks. Already he is  promising  U.N. officials that the U.S. will cut carbon emissions even  though  Congress never approved legislation and the American people are  against  any such measures.

Desperate to avoid any repeats of the failure that was the Copenhagen summit last December, UN officials assert….

Read more.

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco

by Sarah Palin on Monday, November 29, 2010 at 12:17pm

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.


First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?


What if any diplomatic pressure was brought to bear on NATO, EU, and other allies to disrupt Wikileaks’ technical infrastructure? Did we use all the cyber tools at our disposal to permanently dismantle Wikileaks? Were individuals working for Wikileaks on these document leaks investigated? Shouldn’t they at least have had their financial assets frozen just as we do to individuals who provide material support for terrorist organizations?


Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?


The White House has now issued orders to federal departments and agencies asking them to take immediate steps to ensure that no more leaks like this happen again. It’s of course important that we do all we can to prevent similar massive document leaks in the future. But why did the White House not publish these orders after the first leak back in July? What explains this strange lack of urgency on their part?


We are at war. American soldiers are in Afghanistan fighting to protect our freedoms. They are serious about keeping America safe. It would be great if they could count on their government being equally serious about that vital task.


– Sarah Palin

Christmas is About Jesus, Not More Debt

Christmas is About Jesus, Not More Debt

November 29th, 2010

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown,

During  this  Christmas season of cheer and good tidings, a  universal message  is going  forth.  They are all united — from Barack  Obama, to Martha  Stewart, to Wall  Street banks, to the Federal Reserve  — and even your  local mall agrees:  please borrow to spend more this  Christmas.

Americans  since 2008  have been tightening their belts, and they have  paid down  more than $150 billion in consumer debt.  This is a  remarkable feat and  a  testimony to the diligence, hard work, and  frugality of the  American  citizen. In contrast to the people, we are  embarrassed that  our  government is encouraging irresponsible and  spendthrift behavior.

Little   wonder the finances of the U.S. government and the Federal  Reserve  are in  a shambles. When times are tight, overspending and  excessive  debt is  never the answer. Americans intuitively understand  this and  they are  making tough choices to avoid bankruptcy.  Barack  Obama would  be smart  to follow their example.

But governments never really  tighten  the budget. We all learned  years ago the idiocy of government  accounting  when they proclaimed they  were making “budget cuts” when  spending and  borrowing was going up  every year.  This would be akin to  us saying, “We  want a Porsche, so we  will cut the budget and get a  Corvette,” when our  salary could only  cover payments on a Toyota  Corolla.

This upside-down idea was in the news again this week with the bailout of Ireland….

Read more.

Wikileaks and the sabotage of U.S. diplomacy

Wikileaks and the sabotage of U.S. diplomacy

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 29, 2010 08:29 AM

No American should take joy, pleasure, or satisfaction from the untold, devastating ways in which the coordinated Wikileaks document dump of hundreds of thousands of State Department cables — nearly half of which are “secret” or “classified”– has undermined U.S. diplomacy.

Here’s the left-wing Guardian of London crowing that its publication of the cables has “sparked a global diplomatic crisis.”

For those of you catching up after the holidays, Allahpundit at Hot Air has the most thorough coverage and analysis of the developing story here. Key passage on the anti-American agenda driving the leaks, the transnationalist left’s use of the “hypocrisy” card, and the cowardly, selective publication of our diplomatic communications versus other nations:

The aim, transparently, is to embarrass the target, but since that’s too petty a reason to justify so vicious a tactic, the exposure is unfailingly dressed up as some sort of high-minded attempt to make the target “live by his principles.” If you take this argument seriously, any confidential communication between government officials should be fair game for leaking so long as it somehow contradicts or questions, however glancingly, state policy. (Hypocrisy!) But of course, they’re not limiting publication to only those documents that undermine official State Department positions; as noted above in the context of Turkey’s foreign minister, a lot of this stuff will simply be bits of intelligence about various international actors and speculation about their motives. Nothing “hypocritical” about it — but mighty embarrassing. In fact, there’s nothing “hypocritical” about arguably the biggest revelation thus far, the report of North Korea shipping missiles to Iran. That sort of cooperation goes straight back to Bush’s “axis of evil” speech; theories about collaboration between the two are a staple of proliferation analyses. There’s no U.S. government “lie” that needs to be exposed there, in other words. It’s simply a case of Wikileaks trying to weaken America’s hand by revealing some of the cards that it’s holding. (emphasis added)

Two other points. One: Note that they don’t say they wouldn’t have published the documents if the crucial hypocrisy component was missing. On the contrary, in their sonorous meditation about George Washington, [the Guardian editors] suggest that they would have done so anyway even though the damage to U.S. interests would have been greatly diminished. That’s further evidence that it’s confidentiality itself that they object to, not hypocrisy, and it follows Simon Jenkins’s lead in ignoring the usual balancing act when weighing the merits of a leak between the sensitivity of the information and the public’s interest in knowing about it. Wikileaks would have you believe that confidential government communications are so inherently anti-democratic that exposing them is virtually always in the public interest, no matter what collateral damage might result. No country in the world has ever followed that standard and no country ever will. (emphasis added) Two: To the extent that they do take the hypocrisy standard seriously, does that mean that less democratic nations aren’t fair game for leaks because, hey, at least they’re living by their principles? Wikileaks’s lack of interest to date in revealing state secrets of, say, China is mighty conspicuous given that cracking Beijing’s culture of secrecy would be a far greater intel coup than publishing U.S. diplomatic cables and might even have major political repercussions for the Chinese regime. But then, China isn’t “hypocritical,” you see. And of course China also isn’t likely to tolerate damaging leaks like this the way liberal western nations are…

Many Foggy Bottom officials have proven feckless under both GOP and Democrat administrations. Hillary Clinton’s “smart power” deserved mockery, for sure. But whatever microscopic kernel of constructive criticism may have motivated the Wikileakers and their abettors is galactically outweighed by the destructive sabotage of secure diplomatic communications.

The America-haters would have us unilaterally disarm diplomatically under the guise of the “public’s right to know.” This is suicide.

Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini described the consequences for the world:

Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, on a trip to Qatar, said he did not know the content of the files to be released but warned they would “blow up the relationship of trust between states”, according to Italian news agencies.

“It will be the September 11th of world diplomacy,” he said.

Pay attention to which of our enemies, foreign and domestic, are dancing in the streets.


State defends itself:

At their Foggy Bottom headquarters, State has set up an internal working group that is working in shifts around the clock, “monitoring the situation and supporting our senior staff and embassies around the world,” the official said. “We follow the same process whenever a major event occurs.”

Specifically, the cables show that U.S. diplomats in New York were asked to collect Biographic and biometric information on ranking North Korean diplomats. Separate cables disclosed on Sunday show that U.S. diplomats overseas were asked for specific reporting on officials from the Palestinian territories, Paraguay, Bulgaria, and Africa’s Great Lakes region.

The State Department officials emphasized to The Cable the distinction between diplomats who collect information as part of a wide range of duties and intelligence personnel, who have a singular and specific mission. The official also argued that other countries do the same thing and that the intelligence gathered by U.S. diplomats also benefits Washington’s allies.

“Information collection is something that diplomats of every country do every day. These areas of particular interest, they’re not just ours,” the official said. “This is information that’s of use to us, and to our allies and friends with whom we’re trying to solve regional and global challenges.”

“We’re not asking our diplomats to do anything substantially different from what they’ve been doing for eons,” the official continued. “Every diplomat and mission around the world is doing the same thing.”

J.E. Dyer on media glee:

A free press has often meant an adversarial press, and that in itself is not inherently bad. But an adversarial posture is justified by the constructiveness of its goals. There is a noticeably sophomoric element in the mainstream media’s cooperation with WikiLeaks: an indiscriminate enthusiasm for anything that’s being kept secret by the authorities, regardless of its objective value as information.

…The worth of the latest WikiLeaks dump is greater than zero — and greater even than its value in notifying us about Qaddafi’s voluptuous Ukrainian nurse. Its true value lies in confirming what hawks and conservatives have been saying about global security issues. China’s role in missile transfers from North Korea to Iran; Syria’s determined arming of Hezbollah; Iran’s use of Red Crescent vehicles to deliver weapons to terrorists; Obama’s strong-arming of foreign governments to accept prisoners from Guantanamo — these are things many news organizations are reporting prominently only because they have been made known through a WikiLeaks dump. In the end, WikiLeaks’s most enduring consequences may be the unintended ones

Obama’s Governance is Right out of the Communists’ Plan to Destroy America

Obama’s Governance is Right out of the Communists’ Plan to Destroy America

November 29th, 2010

Susan Eovaldi,

The  Communist plan of 45 declared goals for taking  over America  without waging a messy war contains several items that are  eerily  similar to Barack Obama’s criticism of our U.S. Constitution.  Obama has  said our sacred Constitution is “fundamentally flawed” because it lacks a mechanism for redistribution of wealth from those who create it to those who merely consume it.

“The Constitution is a charter of negative  liberties,” Obama told a  Black radio station audience about seven years  before he ran for president.  Perhaps our president isn’t familiar with  the words of  William Bradford, the leader of Pilgrims.

Bradford characterized redistribution of wealth as a total failure because “men didn’t like having to share the fruits of their hard labor with other men who wouldn’t work.”

The plan for taking over America was read into our Congressional record in   1963 by Florida Democrat  A.S.  Herlong, Jr. It contains the following   point:  “Discredit the American Constitution by calling it  inadequate,  old fashioned, out of step with modern needs.”  This  chilling goal is so  similar to the stated criticism Obama made of our  founding document  that we need to constantly be aware of how he and his  crew are trying  to, in his own words, “fundamentally transform  America.”

Did he have these Communist goals at the ready when he framed his speech just five days before his victory?

Read more.

Incredible damage from Wikileaks doc dump

Incredible damage from Wikileaks doc dump



How bad is it? It appears that the most secret
deliberations from not only our government but governments around the world is
now fully open for inspection by anyone who wants to know.

is not too strong
a word:

A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic
cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look
at back-room bargaining by embassies around the world, brutally candid views of
foreign leaders and frank assessments of nuclear and terrorist threats.

Some of the cables, made available to The New York Times and several
other news organizations, were written as recently as late February, revealing
the Obama administration’s exchanges over crises and conflicts. The material was
originally obtained by WikiLeaks, an organization devoted to revealing secret
documents. WikiLeaks posted the first installment of the archive on its Web site
on Sunday.
The disclosure of the cables is sending shudders through the diplomatic
establishment, and could strain relations with some countries, influencing
international affairs in ways that are impossible to predict.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and American ambassadors around the
world have been contacting foreign officials in recent days to alert them to the
expected disclosures.

Over the next few days, the US will be engaged in major league damage control
as more and more revelations hit the press. The effect, as the Times story says,
is unknown but could run the gamut from straining relations with other countries
to internal strife being whipped up as a result of what some leader said to
Hold on to your hats. It’s going to be very bumpy over the next few

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Report warns Obama about ‘new’ Dark Ages

Report warns Obama about ‘new’ Dark Ages

‘Airplanes would fall from
sky, cars would stop, networks fail’

28, 2010
6:09 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily


Two national-security experts have issued a report through the Heritage
that warns Obama administration officials to start working now
to prevent – and mitigate the damage from – an electromagnetic pulse attack on
the United States because of the potential for “unimaginable
“Not even a global humanitarian effort would be enough to keep hundreds
of millions of Americans from death by starvation, exposure, or lack of
medicine. Nor would the catastrophe stop at U.S.
borders. Most of Canada
would be devastated, too, as its infrastructure is integrated with the U.S.
power grid. Much of the world’s intellectual brain power (half of it is in the United
States) would be lost as well. Earth would
most likely recede into the ‘new’ Dark Ages,” states the report by James
J. Carafano, the deputy director of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis
Institute for International Studies and director of the Douglas and Sarah
Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, and Richard Weitz, senior fellow and
director of the Center for Politial-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute.
The report, which is described by the Heritage
as a “backgrounder,” is titled “EMP Attacks –
What the U.S. Must Do Now” and was released just days ago, says what is
needed right now is for the government to “prevent the threat,” by
pursuing “an aggressive protect-and-defend strategy, including
comprehensive missile defense; modernizing the U.S. nuclear deterrent; and
adopting proactive nonproliferation and counterproliferation measures.”
Further, measures are needed to add to the “resilience” of the
electrical grid and telecommunications systems, including duplicating some
essential functions, and “robust” pre-disaster planning should be
going on now for “federal, state, local private-sector, non-government
organizations and international support,” the report said.
Especially, the nation needs to work to “protect the capacity to
communicate,” the report explains.
“An EMP strike can easily obliterate America’s
electrical, telecommunications, transportation, financial, food,and water
infrastructures, rendering the United States
helpless to coordinate actions and deliver services essential for daily
life,” says the report.
“In the words of Arizona Sen. John Kyl, EMP ‘is one of only a few ways
that the United States
could be defeated by its enemies.’ The time to prepare is now!”
An EMP catastrophe, which scientists have warned also
could come through a naturally occurring Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun,

largely is feared to come from an act of war from an enemy. If there is a
nuclear explosion high in the atmosphere over North America
the resulting electromagnetic discharge can “permanently disable the
electrical systems that run nearly all civilian and military
infrastructures,” the report said.
“A massive EMP attack on the United
States would produce almost unimaginable
devastation. Communications would collapse, transportation would halt, and
electrical power would simply be non-existent,” the report warns.
“All past calamities of the modern era would pale in comparison to the
catastrophe caused by a successful high-altitude EMP strike,” the report
said. “The effects of EMP will immediately disable a portion of the 130
million cars and some 90 million trucks. Since millions of vehicles are on the
road at any given time, there will be accidents and congestion that will impede
movement…. The U.S.
rail network depends directly on electricity. … America’s
aviation industry will be destroyed…. The U.S.
food infrastructure depends heavily on the transportation sector,” it
William R. Graham, chairman of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the
United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack and the former national science
adviser to President Reagan, previously testified before Congress and issued an
alarming report
on “one of a small number of threats that can hold our
society at risk of catastrophic consequences.”
He identified vulnerabilities in the nation’s critical infrastructures that
“are essential to both our civilian and military capabilities.”
Not taking the steps necessary to reduce the threat “can both invite
and reward attack,” Graham told the members of Congress at the time.
He described that the attack would come like a swift stroke of lightning,
and would immediately disrupt and damage all electronic systems and America’s
electrical infrastructure.
A detonation over the middle of the continental U.S.
“has the capability to produce significant damage to critical
infrastructures that support the fabric of U.S.
society and the ability of the United States
and Western nations to project influence and military power,” said Graham.
“Several potential adversaries have the capability to attack the United
States with a high-altitude
nuclear-weapon-generated electromagnetic pulse, and others appear to be
pursuing efforts to obtain that capability,” said Graham.
“A determined adversary can achieve an EMP attack capability without
having a high level of sophistication. For example, an adversary would not have
to have long-range ballistic missiles to conduct an EMP attack against the United
States. Such an attack could be launched
from a freighter off the U.S.
coast using a short- or medium-range missile to loft a nuclear warhead to high
altitude. Terrorists sponsored by a rogue state could attempt to execute such
an attack without revealing the identity of the perpetrators. Iran,
the world’s leading sponsor of international terrorism, has practiced launching
a mobile ballistic missile from a vessel in the Caspian Sea.
Iran has also
tested high-altitude explosions of the Shahab-III, a test mode consistent with
EMP attack, and described the tests as successful. Iranian military writings
explicitly discuss a nuclear EMP attack that would gravely harm the United
States. While the commission does not know
the intention of Iran
in conducting these activities, we are disturbed by the capability that emerges
when we connect the dots.”

The new Heritage Foundation report echoed those concerns.
“Even with farsighted mitigation measures there is little question that
a nationwide EMP attack would be crippling,” it warned. “Thus, while
pursuing mitigation, the U.S.
should take all possible measures to protect and defend the nation against a
ballistic-missile attack that could be used to deliver an EMP strike, as well
as pursue aggressive counter-proliferation measures against rogue states
developing nuclear weapons.”
The report warns such an attack would turn science fiction into reality.
“Airplanes would literally fall from the sky, cars and trucks would
stop working, and water, sewer, and electrical networks would fail. Food would
rot, medical services would collapse, and transportation would become almost
nonexistent,” it explains.
The report warned that one criticality is to develop domestic sources for
replacement equipment for the electric equipment, transformers and substations
that would be damaged.
“The equipment used in the transmission grid is costly, specially
produced, and has to be ordered from overseas … Those with the expertise to
replace transformers and capacitors are likely to be overwhelmed…”
What would happen already has been documented, the report noted, in the 1977
New York City blackout, although on
a much smaller scale.
“Two lightning strikes caused overloading in the electrical power
substations of the Con Edison power company. These lighting strikes, the
equivalent of a minuscule fraction of [EMP], caused the Indian Point power
plant north of the city to fail, as well as the subsequent failure of the Long
Island interconnection. … Failure of the Linden-Goethals
230,000-volt interconnection with New Jersey
resulted in the protective devices removing overloaded lines, transformers, and
cables from service. As a result, a power failure spread throughout the New
York area. This blackout lasted only one day, yet
resulted in widespread looting and the breakdown of the rule of law throughout
many New York neighborhoods. The
estimated cost of the blackout was approximately $246 million, and nearly 3,000
people were arrested through the 26-hour period,” the report said.
“The blackout in New York City
resulted in an immediate breakdown of the social order. The police were
outmatched and had no chance of stopping such massive theft, largely having no
choice but to stand by watching the looters from a distance. In North
Brooklyn, a community of more than a million residents, only 189
police officers were on duty….”
In 2003, a
blackout in Ohio, New
York, Maryland, Pennsylvania,
Michigan and Canada
saw “massive traffic jams and gridlock when people tried to get home
without traffic lights. … Railways, airlines, gas stations, and oil refineries
halted operations. Telephone lines were overwhelmed due to the high volume of
calls. Overall, the blackout’s economic impact was between $7 billion and $10
billion due to food spoilage, lost production, overtime wages…”
A true EMP attack, the report said, “could prove even more
Further, major disruptions will happen in communications, financial and
other computer-dependent parts of society.
Vincent Pry,
chief of EMPact America,
said the world this past summer dodged a bullet – in the form of a massive
solar flare.
The results of that naturally occurring even could be very similar to a
nuclear-caused EMP attack, he said.
“The last ‘great’ geomagnetic storm was in 1859, called the Carrington
event. Modern civilization, so dependent upon electronic systems, has not yet
experienced a ‘great’ geomagnetic storm. Many scientists think we are
overdue,” he wrote. “Some scientists believe that, as we approach the
solar maximum over the next two years, since the solar maximum brings increased
solar flare activity, the possibility of a “great” geomagnetic storm
will also increase.”

Obama Appoints Gun-Grabber Head of ATF

Obama Appoints Gun-Grabber Head of ATF

November 24th, 2010

Chris Johnson,

Gun  rights advocates are unhappy with President Barack Obama’s pick   to  head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Obama  announced on Nov. 15 his intent to nominate Andrew Traver,  presently  the special agent in charge of the ATF’s Chicago office, to be  the  director of the agency.

Both the National Rifle Association (NRA)  and the Citizens Committee  for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms  (CCRKBA) criticized the president’s  selection.

According to the  NRA, “Traver has been deeply aligned with gun  control advocates  and anti-gun activities. This makes him the wrong  choice to lead an  enforcement agency that has almost exclusive oversight  and control over  the firearms industry, its retailers and consumers.”

Alan  Gottlieb, chairman of CCRKBA, told that as ATF  director,  Traver would exercise vast control over all levels of the  firearm  industry.

“First of all, the big concern that we have is that the  agency that  he would be overseeing controls all the firearm  regulations against  everybody in the United States starting with the  manufacturers and the  wholesalers and the distributors down to the gun  dealers,” said  Gottlieb.

“They can deny dealers licenses, they  can decide that a person  doesn’t sell enough guns to be a dealer or  sells too many guns and  should be a dealer, all kinds of regulations on  how the stores have to  operate, what kind of security devices they  have to have, all kinds of  inspections,” said Gottlieb. “There are a  whole lot of monkey wrenches  that can be thrown into the firearm  industry very quietly behind the  scenes.”

“And there’s not a  whole lot anyone can do about it.” He said,   “because Congress has  given them the authority to basically impose  their own regulations.”

Read more.

Thanksgiving: An Economics Lesson

Thanksgiving: An Economics Lesson

November 24th, 2010

Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson,

Every   fall in my Econ 101 course, during the last class period  before we  part  for Thanksgiving, I share a lesson from early American  history.  It is  particularly timely, because it deals with those we  credit with  the  first American Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims of Plymouth  Colony.

Upon   arriving in New England, the Pilgrims shared “their meat,  drink,   apparel and all provisions” in common. As inevitably happens  under   collective ownership, the incentive to work disappeared. The grim   result  was food shortages, hunger, starvation; indeed, half of those   who  sailed on the Mayflower perished.

With  the colony’s  survival in question, the survivors reintroduced  the  principle of  private property. Each family was assigned a plot of  land.  They  adopted the apostle Paul’s dictum, “if any would not work,  neither   should he eat” (II Thessalonians 3:10). Thereafter, food  production   soared and the Pilgrims prospered.

The  political-economic lesson  here is obvious, and I won’t belabor  it.  Instead, let’s consider  another important lesson imparted by this   historical episode: We  humans need to be challenged.

Read more.