How Obama Got Around Congress Withholding $200 M In Aid To The ‘Palestinians’

How Obama Got Around Congress Withholding $200 M In Aid To The

Rob Miller

A story in the UK
Independent says that the US Congress showed its displeasure with the
‘Palestinians’ going unilaterally to the UN by
withholding $200 million in aid
that was supposed to be disbursed to Mahmoud
Abbas’ little fiefdom by the end of this fiscal year, which ended October

Being part of the British press and sharing their well known
attitude towards Israel, the article is sympathetic to Abbas, referring to him
as being ‘punished’ and inferring that the US Congress is under the thumb of
those Evil Zionists, rather than being upset with the ‘Palestinians’ for allying
with Hamas or for abrogating their agreements under two treaties the US is
signatory to, the Road Map and The Oslo Accords.

However, there are
indications that this was a set up and if my source is correct, both the Obama
Administration and the ‘Palestinians’ were privy to it.

One of my notorious Little
Birdies works directly in the ‘Palestinian Authority’ and we’ve been
correspondents for some time, sort of frenemies, if you get my

source had a good laugh at Congresses’ action. According to this person, the
Obama Administration was aware for some time that the final $200 million might
be withheld by Congress and informed the ‘Palestinians’ in advance. The Obama
Administration promised the ‘Palestinians’ that they would do their best to head
this off, but when they couldn’t, an arrangement was made with the Saudis to
make up the missing $200 million in advance.

That rang a bell…and showed
me that as usual, my source was almost certainly correct.

A scant ten days
Saudis gifted Mahmoud Abbas and the ‘Palestinians’ with the exact sum the US
Congress was withholding from them

My source didn’t speculate, but knowing how these
things work it’s almost guaranteed that the Saudis either received the money
from the Obama Administration directly to give to the ‘Palestinians’ or more
likely, that the Saudis supplied the cash in exchange for an American quid pro
quo somewhere else down the line.

President Obama is going to
see to it that the ‘Palestinians’ receive their jizya no matter
what..and a little thing like Congress certainly isn’t going to stop him if he
can help it.


Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His work has appeared
in The Jerusalem Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
The San Francisco Chronicle, Andrew Breitbart’s Big Peace and other

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly

Opposition to Obama grows — strongly

By and , Updated:
Wednesday, October 5, 3:20 AM

Four in 10 Americans “strongly” disapprove of how President Obama is
handling the job of president in the new
Washington Post-ABC News poll
, the highest that number has risen during his
time in office and a sign of the hardening opposition to him as he seeks a
second term.

New poll numbers suggest political opposition to President Obama is rising
and hardening. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES – Tags:

While the topline numbers are troubling enough, dig
deeper into them and the news gets no better for Obama. Forty-three percent of
independents — a group the president spent the better part of the last year
courting — strongly disapprove of the job he is doing. Forty-seven percent of
people 65 years of age and older — reliable voters in any election — strongly
disapprove of how he is doing his job.


Strong opposition to Obama has grown markedly since the start of the

In a mid-January Post-ABC survey, 28 percent strongly disapproved of the job
Obama was doing. With the exception of a poll in early May that followed hard on
killing of Osama bin Laden
, that number has steadily ticked upward,
as the year has worn on and the economy has remained sluggish (at best).

And even as his strong disapproval numbers have risen, Obama’s strong
approval numbers have gone into a mirror-image decline.

In January, 30 percent strongly approved of the job Obama was doing. In the
latest Post-ABC survey, that numbers is 21 percent and, as recently as early
August, it had dipped to 18 percent.

All of those numbers — and yes, we here at the Fix do love us some poll
numbers — point to a simple fact: The “anyone but Obama” crowd is getting larger
and more strident in its opinions, while the president’s base is growing less
and less strongly supportive of how he is doing his job.

To that point: 43 percent of self-identified Democrats said they “strongly”
approve of the job Obama is doing, while 74 percent of Republicans strongly
disapprove. That’s a 31-point disparity for you non-math majors out there.

The poll data provide empirical evidence for the recent switch in Obama’s
rhetoric from a focus on compromise (aimed at independents) to one that
accentuates the differences between his approach and the one advocated by
Republicans (aimed at Democrats).

The Post-ABC poll does suggest, however, that Obama’s jobs plan could well
help him repair relations with his party base. More than eight in 10 Democrats —
and 81 percent of liberals — support it.

A dispirited base coupled with a highly energized opposition isn’t an ideal
place for the president to be, but neither is it a political death sentence.
President George W. Bush found himself in a not-dissimilar situation in
2004 and managed to win re-election, using a scorched-earth approach designed to
disqualify Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry (D) in the eyes of voters.

The latest poll numbers affirm that the 2012 election will look a lot more
like that 2004 election than it will Obama’s 2008 victory. Put another way:
winning ugly may be the only way for the president to win next November.

Democrats hold on in West Virginia: For those who were watching
baseball rather than politics last night, you didn’t miss much.

Despite some consternation, Democrats held
on to win
the special election for governor of West Virginia, with Acting
Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin (D) taking 50 percent of the vote to Republican
Bill Maloney’s 47 percent.

The AP called the race shortly after 9 p.m. Eastern time — about 90 minutes
after polls closed — a very early call that made the result rather
anti-climactic for Republicans.

Democrats were quick to argue that the GOP’s efforts to nationalize the race
and make it about President Obama failed, but the GOP did
close the gap
in the final days and weeks of the campaign.

Cain’s path to victory: With some questioning whether
he’s in it to win it
, GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain laid out
his path to victory on Tuesday, and he appears to be trying to buy some

The pizza magnate told
ABC News
that his goal is to finish in the top three in Iowa and New
Hampshire and, from there, win in South Carolina and Florida.

“We are not going to win every state, but we are going to win enough of the
critical ones in order to be able to get the delegates we need,” he said.

Early indications were that Cain could be a strong candidate in Iowa, but he
performed poorly in the straw poll in Ames and hasn’t been devoting the
requisite time to the state.

Meanwhile, he won a straw poll in Florida 10 days ago.

Of course, by emphasizing later states like South Carolina and Florida, Cain
could be trying to give himself more time to catch on. But we saw how well that
worked with Rudy Giuliani in 2008.

Conservative group boosts GOP incumbents: The conservative American
Action Network is launching a $1.6 million media campaign to prop up more than
four dozen Republican incumbents across the country.

The campaign, which features mail, print advertising and phone calls, accuses
Obama of trying to balance the budget by cutting Medicare and will benefit 43
House GOP incumbents and 11 Senate GOP incumbents from coast to coast. Samples
of the mail pieces can
be found here

Most of the Republicans receiving help are vulnerable to Democratic
challengers in 2012, but the media campaign will also benefit senators who were
just elected in 2010. It will also help Sens. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) and
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who have come under pressure from the right and
could face tough primaries next year.

Easy first debate for Warren: The first primary debate in the
Massachusetts Senate race did little to stymie Harvard Law Professor
Elizabeth Warren, who has quickly vaulted to the front of the Democratic

City Year co-founder Alan Khazei took a shot at the “Washington
establishment” deciding the nominee, and activist Robert Massie warned
against what he called a “rush to judgment” — both veiled shots at Warren. But
there was no direct confrontation among the six contenders hoping to defeat Sen.
Scott Brown (R). They agreed on almost everything.

Warren had the most to lose; the fact that there was essentially no news out
of this debate was good news for her.


Not content to let Mitt Romney have all the fun, Jon Huntsman
will deliver
his own foreign policy speech
on Monday.

Cain says being
gay is a choice

Chris Christie joins Rick Santorum in offering something short of
of the name of Perry’s hunting camp.

Post media writer Erik Wemple with a great
breakdown of Christie’s news conference
. Definitely worth the read.

Utah state House and state Senate Republicans are struggling
to reach a deal
on a congressional redistricting map.

Former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson (R) files
for the state’s open Senate seat.

Ron Paul says killing al-Awlaki is
an impeachable offense
for Obama.

Rummy spars
with al Jazeera

Former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory (R) says he won’t announce his
plans on running for governor until the
calendar hits 2012

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) gives
a vote of confidence
to the judge overseeing the drawing of the state’s new
congressional districts.

Disapproval of Congress hits a
two-decade high

One quarter of congressional freshmen have
their own political action committees.

National Republican Senatorial Commitee Chairman John Cornyn (R-Texas)
and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) bury
the hatchet

See what Obama promises Arabs after 2012 election

See what Obama promises Arabs after 2012

Democrats fear treatment of Israel is voting liability

Posted: September 28, 2011
9:30 pm Eastern

By Aaron

© 2011 WND

The Obama administration told the Palestinian Authority it cannot
significantly help advance a Palestinian state until after the 2012 presidential
elections, a top PA official told WND.

The official, however, said the U.S. will press for a Palestinian state
quickly if President Obama is re-elected.

“The main message we received from the U.S. is that nothing will happen in a
serious way before the 2012 elections,” said the official.

Islam’s global agenda to secure all nations under its only religious law: Get
“Islam Rising” on DVD

The PA official said Obama “will not accept the Palestinian request of a
state at the (U.N.) Security Council and cannot help on the ground for now.”

“We were told to wait for Obama’s reelection, and that before then nothing
serious will happen for a state,” the official continued. “But after the
reelection, the U.S. said the schedule will be short to reach a Palestinian

Obama’s policies toward Israel have been highlighted in local and national
campaigns, with many Democrats fearing voters will oppose them due to the
perception the president is anti-Israel.

Obama’s treatment of Israel was a significant issue in the recent election of
Republican Bob Turner to former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s seat in a district that
had not elected a GOP candidate since 1923.

Also, presidential contenders such as Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Rep. Michele
Bachmann, R-Minn., have been strongly criticizing Obama on Israel.

Read more: See what Obama promises
Arabs after 2012 election

Who Is Behind Barack Obama’s Rise to Stardom?

By Victor Thorn

Is Barack Obama the product of a vast socialist
conspiracy designed to undermine the fundamental tenets established by our
Founding Fathers, all bankrolled and organized by elite financiers? The answer
is unequivocally yes.

To deconstruct this labyrinth-like network, one
must start at the top with global slash and burn speculator George Soros and his
ties to the world’s most powerful banking family. Journalist, historian and
economic researcher William Engdahl sets the stage.

“Soros has been
identified as a front man for the Rothschild banking group. Understandably,
neither he nor the Rothschilds wants this important fact to be public.” He
continues, “Soros’s connection to the ultra-secret international finance circles
of the Rothschilds is not just an ordinary or accidental banking

Finally, in a November 1, 1996 article, Engdahl writes,
“From the very first days when Soros created his own investment fund in 1969, he
owed his success to his relation to the Rothschild family banking network.”

Soros, through his Open Society Institute, funnels approximately $300
million a year into various liberal venues, including the influential, which he owns. According to veteran researcher Anton Chaitkin, Soros
also hand-picked Barack Obama to challenge Hillary Clinton (and ultimately
defeat GOP nominee John McCain). On Sept. 5, 2008, he wrote, “Barack Obama came
under special Soros sponsorship in the 2004 U.S. Senate race [and] raised
$60,000 for his campaign.” After attaining victory, Obama met personally with
Soros, then attended a fundraiser at his home.

Chaitkin elaborates further in
“Soros Runs British Foreign Office Coup Against U.S. Elections,” an online
article. “On December 4, 2006, two years after getting into the U.S. Senate,
Barack Obama went to Soros’s New York office to be interviewed for higher
office. Soros then took Obama into a conference room for other politically
subordinate billionaires. With money and connections assured, Obama announced
for the presidency soon afterward.”

Lets look at the words of Michelle
Obama from a June 19, 2008 speech. She said, “We’re going to have to change our
traditions and our history.” She explained further on Aug. 25, 2008. “All of us
are driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won’t do. We have an
obligation to fight for the world as it should be.”

Who, precisely, will
determine how our world should be? Mrs. Obama’s poignant phrase was lifted
directly from Saul Alinsky, a Chicago-based Jewish extremist who penned the
handbook for far-left causes, Rules for Radicals.

To implement
his plans to undermine America, an intricate network needed to be established
that would spread its tentacles throughout every aspect of society. One of the
primary vehicles they utilized was the Tides Foundation, to which Soros
contributed $13 million from 1997-2003. Established by Jewish antiwar activist
Drummond Pike in 1976, this tax-exempt organization serves a very important
function. According to researcher Ben Johnson of Front Page Magazine in
September 2004, they “allow high-profile individuals to fund extremist
organizations by ‘laundering’ their money through Tides, leaving no paper

In essence, after taking a 10 percent cut, Tides has fed over
$300 million to entities such as cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, and
those who advocate abortion-on-demand, all the while assuring contributors
they won’t be publicly linked to these causes. One look at the Tide
Foundation’s board reveals who calls the shots.

Drummond, senior vice
president Gary Schwartz, and executive vice president Ellen Friedman are all
Jewish. Pike also used his leverage to bail out ACORN’s welfare rights leader
Wade Rathke, after he embezzled $948,507. To protect Rathke, ACORN

never contacted law enforcement officials or sought
prosecution. Instead, Stephanie Strom of The New York Times wrote on Aug.
17, 2008, “The organization announced that an anonymous supporter had agreed” to
pay off the debt. That man was Drummond Pike. To cover their tracks, Arthur
Schwartz (also Jewish) now coordinates their slippery public

Of course, Barack Obama began his political career as the
chief national trainer for ACORN, which now faces lawsuits in 14 states for
voter fraud. Obama’s mentor as a community organizer in Chicago was Gerald
Kellman, a Saul Alinksy protegé. To begin his meteoric rise toward the White
House, money originated from what Clarice Feldman of American Thinker calls the
“Gang of Four”— Soros, Peter Lewis, Stephen Bing and Herbert & Marion
Sandler. All are Jewish billionaires.

One of Obama’s most important
backers was Marilyn Katz (Jewish), who oversaw security for the SDS (Students
for a Democratic Society) and advocated violent guerrilla tactics toward the
police (as did Obama associate William Ayers of the Weather Underground). Katz
became a fundraising bundler for Obama, as well as hosting fundraisers and
serving as an Illinois delegate at the 2008 Democratic National

The Tides Foundation controls the San Francisco-based Apollo
which “absolutely believes that government is the solution to all
social and economic problems.”

On July 28, Phil Kerpen of Americans for
Prosperity described how the “Apollo Alliance is designed to bring together the
elements of organized labor with community organizers and green groups.” More
importantly, Kerpen revealed that the Apollo Alliance “put out a draft stimulus
bill in 2008 . . . that included almost everything that ended up being in the
final stimulus bill.”

Van Jones, Obama’s new “green jobs czar,” described
the Apollo Alliance as a “grand unified field theory for progressive left
causes.” Who exactly is Van Jones? After participating in the 1992 L.A. riots
(for which he was arrested and incarcerated), Jones told the East Bay Express on
November 2, 2005, “I met all these young radical people of color—I mean, really
radical Communists and anarchists. And it was like: this is what I need to be
part of. I spent the next 10 years of my life working with
a lot of these
people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary. I was a rowdy black
revolutionary on April 28th, and when the verdicts came down on April 29th, I
was a Communist.”

To round out this list, the SEIU (Service Employees
International Union) is primarily responsible for what is contained in Obama’s
socialized health care bill. Andy Stern and Anna Burger lead the SEIU, both of
whom are Jewish cronies of George Soros. Their vice president is Gerald Hudson
(Jewish). Pushing this bill and the stimulus package to various media outlets is
Robert Borosage (Jewish) of the Institute for America’s Future (also a huge
recipient of Soros’s funding). Overseeing the housing and banking industries is
none other than Barney Frank (Jewish), chairman of the House Financial Services
Committee. Last but not least, Key members of Obama’s inner circle—David
Axelrod, Lawrence Summers and Rahm Emanuel are Jewish and

Putting this complicated matter into perspective is
educational theorist
and critic David Solway. On July 7, 2009 he wrote, “We
Jews are
a sly and surreptitious people . It pains me to admit this, but
candor compels. . . . [T]he best way to bring America to its knees, to weaken
its will to survive, to cleverly turn it against itself, was to do everything in
our considerable arsenal of means to deliver the White House to Barack

The conspiracy has been completed, and now the Jewish
Rothschild-Soros connection controls voter registration (ACORN), money
laundering (Tides), billions in stimulus spending (Apollo), possibly the future
of health care (SEIU), finance (Franks), and the Oval Office’s inner workings
(Emanuel, Axelrod and Summers).

Obama Falling Short on Israel

Morning Bell: Obama Falling Short on Israel

Posted By Mike Brownfield On September 22, 2011 @ 11:02 am In Ongoing Priorities | No Comments

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is taking his people’s bid for statehood to the United Nations this week with a speech set for Friday, followed by a formal application for membership to the U.N. shortly thereafter. If Palestine succeeds in its unilateral efforts, it would be detrimental to U.S. interests in the region, isolate Israel, and deal a major setback to Israeli–Palestinian peace prospects.

Palestine’s move comes despite intense U.S. diplomatic efforts and words [1] from President Barack Obama warning that “efforts to delegitimize Israel will end in failure.” The President has vowed [2] to veto any such attempt in the U.N. Security Council and, in a speech yesterday [3] to the U.N., he reaffirmed his support for Israel and a peace process that ensures its security. Heritage’s Brett Schaefer, though, writes [4] that the President’s words were marred by a soft-pedaling stance toward Palestine.

President Obama proffered a more robust defense of Israel than has been his want, perhaps driven by a desire to bolster waning support among American Jewish voters. Even so, he still maintained a false moral equivalence between the Palestinians and Israel, stating, “That truth – that each side has legitimate aspirations – is what makes peace so hard. And the deadlock will only be broken when each side learns to stand in each other’s shoes.

The President’s words yesterday come after nearly three years of being weak on Israel, failing to condemn those who threaten the country’s existence, and failing to draw a distinction between a freedom-loving nation and those who seek to wipe it off the map. Here in America, the President’s weakness on Israel drew a strong rebuke in the recent special election in New York’s 9th Congressional District where a Republican upset a Democrat in a heavily Jewish, Democratic stronghold. Though any words in support of the United States’ friend and ally are welcome, the President has far to go in offering the support that Israel needs and deserves.

Heritage expert James Carafano explains [5]:

Mr. Obama’s approach [to the peace process] has achieved nothing. Instead, the Palestinians are repaying his efforts with a U.N. campaign that seems designed to embarrass the White House. Like Jimmy Carter before him, Mr. Obama is finding that when American presidents present a face of international accommodation and ambivalence, they get taken advantage of. Weakness invites aggression.

Palestine’s move, not surprisingly, has drawn stiff opposition from Israel, which sees Palestine’s effort as an end-run around the peace process. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to the news of Abbas’ effort with a stiff condemnation [6], saying that peace can only be achieved through negotiations:

The leadership of the Palestinian authority has consistently evaded peace negotiations with Israel. When the Palestinian authority abandons these futile and unilateral measures at the UN, it will find Israel to be a genuine partner for direct peace negotiations.

If Palestine fails in its effort to force a vote for statehood in the Security Council, which will occur if the U.S. exercises its veto, it will likely follow up with a General Assembly resolution recognizing its statehood and elevating its status at the U.N. from an observer entity to a non-member state observer. Schaefer explains [7] the ramifications of such a move:

Success in either effort would be detrimental to U.S. and Israeli interests and illustrate the need for a more hard-nosed policy, in coordination with Congress, to use America’s financial leverage to protect and advance U.S. interests at the U.N.

Palestine’s efforts this week will prove a test of President Obama’s strategy to engage at the U.N., rather than to exercise U.S. muscle in order to advance its interests. But should Palestine succeed and the U.S. fail, Schaefer explains that “it would raise serious questions about the depth of goodwill garnered by its ‘engagement’ strategy and whether the U.S. should assume a tougher approach at the U.N.”

There are other tools at the President’s disposal in dealing with the U.N.–namely, Congress. Washington can take a hard-nosed approach and use U.S. financial leverage to advance its policy priorities. And that means withholding contributions to the U.N., as well as foreign aid to countries who vote against U.S. interests.

Palestine itself is one of the largest per capita recipients of foreign aid in the world. As Heritage’s James Phillips explained in recent Congressional testimony [8]:

U.S. aid to the Palestinians is aimed at supporting Israeli–Palestinian peace negotiations; strengthening and reforming the Palestinian Authority, which was created through those negotiations; and improving the living standards of Palestinians to demonstrate the benefits of peaceful coexistence with Israel. These are laudable goals, but unfortunately, peace negotiations have bogged down. Even worse, the Palestinian Authority has reached a rapprochement with Hamas, the Islamist extremist organization with a long record of terrorism, which not only is opposed to peace negotiations with Israel, but remains implacably committed to Israel’s destruction.

Now is not the time for President Obama to turn his back on the region’s strongest democracy. Instead, the United States should reaffirm its commitment to strengthening its alliance with Israel and remain strong in the face of U.N. action designed to embarrass the U.S. and weaken the peace process.

Quick Hits:

  • The House yesterday rejected a temporary spending bill [9] that would have funded the government through November. Four dozen conservatives voted against the measure because it left spending higher than the cap set in the House GOP budget.
  • The Federal Reserve took steps yesterday to stimulate the economy by buying long-term Treasury bonds in order to lower interest rates on mortgages, but the market responded negatively [10] with the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index dropping 3 percent.
  • President Obama’s “Buffett Rule” — a plan to raise tax rates on wealthy Americans — is bad news for technology startups [11], and a similar policy in California [12] has been a plague on the state’s finances.
  • NATO has agreed to extend its mission in Libya another 90 days [13], and today the commanding general said isolated groups of pro-Qadhafi forces continue to threaten local people.
  • Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean says Obamacare will boost small-business job growth, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Read the story on [

Should Christians Support Obama?

Should Christians

Support Obama?



This man was on Dr. Charles Stanley’s program “In Touch” as a guest speaker.


I almost shouted “HALLELUJAH” when I finished reading. Forward or discard….it’s your choice…but PLEASE read before you do!

Dr. David Barton


is more of a historian than a Biblical speaker, but very famous for his knowledge of historical facts as well as Biblical truths.

Dr. David Barton – on Obama

Respect the Office? Yes.

Respect the Man in the Office? No, I am sorry to say.

I have noted that many elected officials, both Democrats and Republicans, called upon America to unite behind Obama.

Well, I want to make it clear to all who will listen that I AM NOT uniting behind Obama !

I will respect the Office, which he holds, and I will acknowledge his abilities as an orator and wordsmith and pray for him, BUT that is it.

I have begun today to see what I can do to make sure that he is a one-term President!

Why am I doing this ?

It is because:

– I do not share Obama’s vision or value system for America ;

– I do not share his Abortion beliefs;

– I do not share his radical Marxist’s concept of re-distributing wealth;

– I do not share his stated views on raising taxes on those who make$150,000+


(the ceiling has been changed three times since August);

– I do not share his view that America is Arrogant;

– I do not share his view that America is not a Christian Nation;

– I do not share his view that the military should be reduced by 25%;

– I do not share his view of amnesty and giving more to illegals than our American Citizens who need help;

– I do not share his views on homosexuality and his definition of marriage;

– I do not share his views that Radical Islam is our friend and Israel is our enemy who should give up any land;

– I do not share his spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he has made public);

– I do not share hisbeliefs on how to re-work the healthcare system in America;

– I do not share his Strategic views of the Middle East; and

– I certainly do not share his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran.

Bottom line: my America is vastly different from Obama’s, and I have a higher obligation to my Country and my GOD to do what is Right !

For eight (8) years, the Liberals in our Society, led by numerous entertainers who would have no platform and no real credibility but for their celebrity status, have attacked President Bush, his family, and his spiritual beliefs!

They have not moved toward the center in their beliefs and their philosophies, and they never came together nor compromised their personal beliefs for the betterment of our Country!

They have portrayed my America as a land where everything is tolerated except being intolerant !

They have been a vocal and irreverent minority for years !

They have mocked and attacked the very core values so important to the founding and growth of our Country !

They have made every effort to remove the name of GOD or Jesus Christ from our Society !

They have challenged capital punishment, the right to

bear firearms, and the most basic principles of our criminal code !

They have attacked one of the most fundamental of all Freedoms, the right of free speech!

Unite behind Obama? Never!

I am sure many of you who read this think that I am going overboard, but I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are the embodiment of Evil!

PRESIDENT BUSH made many mistakes during his Presidency, and I am not sure how history will judge him. However, I believe that he weighed his decisions in light of the long established Judeo-Christian principles of our Founding Fathers!!!

Majority rules in America , and I will honor the concept; however, I will fight with all of my power to be a voice in opposition to Obama and his “goals for America ….”

I am going to be a thorn in the side of those who, if left unchecked, will destroy our Country!Any more compromise is more defeat!

I pray that the results of this election will wake up many who have sat on the sidelines and allowed the Socialist-Marxist anti-GOD crowd to slowly change so much of what has been good inAmerica !

“Error of Opinion may be tolerated where Reason is left free to combat it.” –Thomas Jefferson

GOD bless you and GOD bless our Country!

(Please, please, please, pass this on if you agree.

If you don’t agree, just delete it.)

Thanks for your time, may you and yours be safe.

“In GOD We Trust”

‘Obama adopting Arafat’s staged plan for Israel’s end’

Photo by: Flash 90
‘Obama adopting Arafat’s staged plan for Israel’s end’
Likud’s Dannon says US president trying to force plan on PM; Livni: Speech was in Israel’s interest, urges Netanyahu to revive talks.
MKs on the Right expressed outrage on Thursday night at US President Barack  Obama’s call for the creation of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 lines  with mutually agreed swaps, in an exchange of territory for  security.

They called upon Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to reject  Obama’s plan when he meets with him on Friday in Washington.

Abbas calls emergency meeting over Obama address
In Arab world, disappointment Obama didn’t go further

“Barack  Hussein Obama adopted Yasser Arafat’s staged plan for Israel’s destruction, and  he is trying to force it on our prime minister,” Likud MK Danny Danon said. “All  that was new in the speech was that he called for Israel to return to 1967  borders without solving the crisis. Netanyahu has only one option: Tell  Obama to forget about it.”

Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, also from  the Likud, who as a minister close to Netanyahu must be more diplomatic, said on  Channel 2 that according to Obama’s approach, the Palestinians would receive  what they were demanding on borders before negotiations begin.

“Once they  have everything from the start, they have no reason to make any concessions,” Erdan said.

But opposition leader Tzipi Livni said Obama’s plan was  clearly in Israel’s interests, while the diplomatic stalemate that she believes  was brought on by Netanyahu is not.

“On his visit, Netanyahu must display  the leadership necessary now to create the conditions necessary to restart  negotiations with those who are ready to end the conflict,” Livni said. “Only a  real Israeli initiative with content that can receive American and international  support can be an answer to the current dangers and opportunities.”

Her  Kadima colleague, MK Yoel Hasson, warned that if Netanyahu did not take  immediate action, he would bring Israel into deeper international isolation and  have borders forced on the country unilaterally.

Kadima’s MK Otniel  Schneller turned the focus back on his own party, however, calling on the  opposition’s leadership to take a strong stand behind the prime minister on  issues of foreign policy in light of Obama’s speech.

“Obama’s speech has  placed before Israeli society and its representatives the challenge of unity and  national agreement. The political disagreements and the motivation of the  opposition parties should not overpower their responsibility for the future of  the state,” Schneller said.

“On the level of diplomatic policy, Kadima  believes in the same principles presented by the prime minister, which  constitute the basis for a diplomatic program that the previous government under  [prime minister Ehud] Olmert and foreign minister Tzipi Livni tried to advance,” he added. “It would be appropriate if during the prime minister’s meeting with  President Obama, everyone knew that the prime minister has no opposition when it  comes to realizing his diplomatic initiative. We should expect mature leadership  from the heads of all of the Zionist parties on the existential questions facing  Israel and its strategic interests.”

MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab  List-Ta’al) criticized the speech, saying Obama offered “nothing new” in regards  to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Tibi told Channel 2 news the  speech was intended more for Arab audiences who have been participating in  pro-democracy protests in the past several months “Obama is riding the tiger of  Arab democracy,” he said.

Referring to the US president’s speech in Cairo  in June 2009, Tibi concluded by nicknaming Thursday’s address: “Cairo Speech  II.”

Obama lied, transparency died, Part 989

Obama lied, transparency died, Part 989

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 24, 2011 09:47 AM

Darkness falls.

In Culture of Corruption, I exposed Team Obama’s big lie about its commitment to public disclosure and openness in government.

Liberals balked. “How can you possibly make such a judgment so early on in the presidency?” they squawked.

After the book was published, the White House’s selective transparency and subversion of disclosure rules and regs continued apace.

Democrats played hide-and-seek on the Hill.

President Obama cut endless backroom deals and cut C-SPAN out.

The White House carved out a Coffee House loophole to keep lobbyist meetings off the books.

And, finally, the White House press corps started complaining about lack of access.

Now, this today from Politico:

Caught between their boss’s anti-lobbyist rhetoric and the reality of governing, President Barack Obama’s aides often steer meetings with lobbyists to a complex just off the White House grounds – and several of the lobbyists involved say they believe the choice of venue is no accident.

It allows the Obama administration to keep these lobbyist meetings shielded from public view — and out of Secret Service logs collected on visitors to the White House and later released to the public.

…Obama’s administration has touted its release of White House visitors logs as a breakthrough in transparency, as the first White House team ever to reveal the comings and goings around the West Wing and the Old Executive Office Building.

The Jackson Place townhouses are a different story.

There are no records of meetings at the row houses just off Lafayette Square that house the White House Conference Center and the Council on Environmental Quality, home to two of the busiest meeting spaces. The White House can’t say who attended meetings there, or how often. The Secret Service doesn’t log in visitors or require a background check the way it does at the main gates of the White House.

…It’s not only Jackson Place. Another favorite off-campus meeting spot is a nearby Caribou Coffee, which, according to the New York Times, has hosted hundreds of meetings among lobbyists and White House staffers since Obama took office.

And administration officials recently asked some lobbyists and others who met with them to sign confidentiality agreements barring them from disclosing what was discussed at meetings with administration officials, in that case a rental policy working group.

Obama lied, transparency died, Part 989.

See, I told you so.

Israel: White House not reliable


Israel: White House not reliable

Politician slams Obama’s ‘lack of leadership’

Posted: February 20, 2011
6:58 pm Eastern

© 2011 WorldNetDaily



Israeli lawmaker Danny

Israel can no longer rely on the White House and must trust only itself due
to a lack of leadership on the part of President Obama, declared a Knesset
member from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud party.
“We have to understand that if, God forbid, we will be in the case of
trouble, we can trust only ourselves because we see a lack of leadership coming
from the U.S. today,” said Likud Knesset Member Danny Danon.
“And we should be worried about it, because we always think, well, we have a
friend in the White House, we can call them when we are in need, and we see that
is not the case,” said Danon, the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament.
Danon was speaking in an interview with reporter Aaron Klein in the latter’s
investigative program
on New York’s WABC Radio
The Israeli politician took the occasion to slam Obama’s treatment of
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Hear WND’s Aaron Klein
interview Israeli lawmaker Danny Danon


Following weeks of unrest targeting Mubarak’s regime, Obama called for the
U.S. ally to allow for the immediate transition to democracy, leading to
Mubarak’s resignation.
“We don’t see a leadership role of the American president and actually they
(the Obama administration) are following what is happening in the Middle East.
On the one hand, they support Mubarak; the next day they are against him.”
Danon added, “Frankly speaking, unfortunately we see a lack of leadership

coming from Washington. They don’t actually take decisions. They follow, and
they look at the news and then they deliver statements to the media.”
(Story continues below)

Danon said the Israeli government believes Obama’s policies on Israel do not
reflect the will of the U.S. public.
“I know that we have a lot of supporters in the U.S.,” he said. “And I know
that what I am hearing in the U.N. and also in the White House, it does not
represent the American people and all the amount of support that we get from the
people in the U.S. who love and support us.”
Danon was referring specifically to Obama’s longstanding call on a complete
halt to all Jewish settlement activity as a precondition for Israeli-Palestinian
The Knesset member also commented on an Egyptian decision to allow the
passage of two Iranian naval vessels through the Suez Canal for the first time
since 1979.
“We are not worried about the warships,” said Danon. They are not dangerous
to us. The capabilities of those wars they are not a threat to Israel.”
Continued Danon: “But it show us that the Iranians are looking to get
involved in the Middle East and they are sending a signal. So those boats are a
signal to us and to the larger society that we need to wake up because if we
will not deal with the threats of Iran, Iran will deal with us.”
Danon said that in the decision of one minute Israel “can take care of those
“But they are sending us a signal and we must listen to that signal,” he said
of the Iranian ships.

Read more: Israel: White House not

U.S. ‘held secret meeting with Muslim Brotherhood’

U.S. ‘held secret meeting with Muslim

Discussed fall of Egypt with group dedicated to Islam’s global spread

Posted: February 01, 2011
10:59 am Eastern

By Aaron

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – The Egyptian government has information a diplomat at
the U.S. embassy in Cairo secretly met yesterday with a senior leader of the
Muslim Brotherhood, the nation’s major Islamist opposition group, WND has
The topic of the meeting was the future of Egypt following the “fall” of
President Hosni Mubarak, an Egyptian intelligence official told WND.
The claim comes amid charges from Cairo that the Obama administration has
been encouraging the protests rocking Egypt and targeting the rule of Mubarak, a
key U.S. ally in the Middle East.
The Egyptian intelligence official told WND his government has information of
a meeting that took place yesterday between Issam El-Erian, a senior leader of
the Muslim Brotherhood, and Frank Wisner, a former U.S. ambassador to Egypt.
The Obama administration dispatched Wisner to Egypt this past weekend to
report to the State Department and White House a general sense of the situation
in the embattled country.
(Story continues below)
The Egyptian intelligence official speaking to WND said the meeting took
place inside the American embassy in Cairo
The U.S. State Department would  neither confirm nor deny the report.
The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world, in large part
using nonviolent means. Hamas and al-Qaida are violent Brotherhood offshoots.
The latest information is not the first charge by the Egyptian government
that the Obama administration has been working with or encouraging the
opposition to Mubarak.
Last week, a senior
Egyptian diplomat stated the Egyptian government suspects
elements of the
current uprising there, particularly political aspects, are being coordinated
with the U.S. State Department and Obama administration.
The senior Egyptian diplomat told WND the Mubarak regime suspects the U.S.
has been aiding protest planning by Mohamed
ElBaradei, who is seen as one of the main opposition leaders in Cairo.
ElBaradei, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief, has reinvented
himself as a campaigner for “reform” in Egypt. He is a candidate for this year’s
scheduled presidential elections.
ElBaradei arrived in Cairo just after last week’s protests began and is
reportedly being confined to his home by Egyptian security forces.
He is seen as an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood.
This past weekend, the London Telegraph reported the U.S. embassy in Cairo in
2008 helped a young dissident attend a U.S.-sponsored summit for activists in
New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police.
The Telegraph would not identify the dissident, but said he was involved in
helping to stir the current protests. The report claimed the dissident told the
U.S. embassy in Cairo that an alliance of opposition groups had a plan to topple
The disclosures, contained in U.S. diplomatic dispatches released by the
WikiLeaks website, show American officials
pressed the Egyptian government to release other dissidents who had been
detained by the police.
The White House has been almost openly championing the unrest in Egypt.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called
for an “orderly transition” to democracy in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood
is the main opposition group.
Obama reportedly voiced support for an “orderly transition” in Egypt that is
responsive to the aspirations of Egyptians in phone calls with foreign leaders,
the White House said.
Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, speaking in a White House
webcast, also urged the government and protesters in Egypt to refrain from
Egyptian officials speaking to WND, however, warned the Muslim Brotherhood
has the most to gain from any political reform.

Read more: U.S. ‘held secret meeting
with Muslim Brotherhood’