Open letter to Sen John McCain

Senator McCain,

My husband
worked and paid into Social Security from 1952 to 1998. That’s 46 years. I paid
into it from 1953, on and off for 8 years. My job was to stay home and raise
two sons.

Tell me why
it’s called entitlement. Because of reckless decisions and spending in
Washington we have not had a cost of living raise since 2009. Our cost have
gone up like everybody else’s, but you voted to give these benefits to illegals
who have not put in one penny. WHY?

Please, be the
Conservative Representative we hoped you were when we voted for you. Perhaps
you’ve been in Washington too long and made too many friends across the aisle.
Is that it?

Our Country and
our National Reputation are being stolen out from under us. I’m 78 years old
and have seen a lot of different people come to represent me, but at this time
I do not have a voice in Washington.

Spencer, my Great Granddad, removed nine times, was one of the Founders of
Jamestown. He came here in 1607 on the Susan Constant. The people on the three
ships met at Cape Henry, Virginia and raised a 7 foot wooden cross and
consecrated the land to God. I mention this because our [present] President
says we are not a Christian nation. He didn’t even come here until he was grown
and I am not that sure that he was ever an American. I’ve read his wife’s
thesis and certainly she’s not proud to be an American.

We are in need
of Proud, Conservative, Fearless, Patriotic and Godly people to save our country.
Please, stand up and be that person. Never before do I remember a voice in
Washington from the Oval Office being so ready to criticize our USA.

Bettye Simmons

Tempe, AZ



Phoenix, AZ (JULY 1) – Sen. John McCain is caught on tape at two Florida fundraisers hosted by a convicted felon – who will spend the rest of his life in prison for a Ponzi scheme that helped finance McCain’s 2008 Presidential campaign – who raised more money for McCain than anyone else – and who McCain now says he “can’t pick out of a lineup.”

“One recently discovered and never-before released video shows the two men giving each other a ‘man-hug’, shaking hands, and slapping backs in a bar while felon Scott Rothstein puffs on a cigar. Another tape shows McCain at Rothstein’s home with supporters,” said Mark Sanders, spokesman for U.S. Senate Candidate J. D. Hayworth (R-AZ).

Watch the video by clicking HERE.

After Rothstein gives McCain a glowing introduction at one event, Rothstein is heard on the tape saying “I’m plugging for some kind of position with the White House” if McCain wins.

Rothstein raised $1.1 million for McCain’s failed Presidential campaign in 2008 while running an elaborate Ponzi scheme that swindled investors out of billions of dollars. Much of the money Rothstein stole ended up in McCain’s campaign accounts.

Last month Rothstein was sentenced to 50 years in prison.

When confronted with the connection between McCain and Rothstein, McCain’s spokesman said “John McCain couldn’t pick him (Rothstein) out of a line up.”

“The tapes don’t lie, McCain does,” Sanders said. “These men were friends, good friends. In fact, in one segment of the tape, McCain thanks Rothstein for his ‘friendship and tremendous support.'”

The Hayworth campaign has called on McCain to admit he knows Rothstein, to no avail; to donate the money he took from Rothstein to a fund to help the victims of the Ponzi scheme, to no avail; and to name and denounce the other Ponzi scheme con-artists who gave McCain money; to no avail.

“The Senator thinks he is above the law, but he will have to explain his ignorance of who his friends are and apologize to the people of Arizona in the upcoming debates for letting them down by consorting with criminals,” Sanders said.

The Real McCain Record

The Real McCain Record 
Obstacles in the way of conservative support.
by Mark Levin

There’s a reason some of John McCain’s conservative supporters avoid discussing his record. They want to talk about his personal story, his position on the surge, his supposed electability. But whenever the rest of his career comes up, the knee-jerk reply is to characterize the inquiries as attacks.

The McCain domestic record is a disaster. To say he fought spending, most particularly earmarks, is to nibble around the edges and miss the heart of the matter. For starters, consider:

McCain-Feingold – the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo

McCain-Kennedy – the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history. 

McCain-Lieberman – the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry – through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases – in American history. 

McCain-Kennedy-Edwards – the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.

McCain-Reimportation of Drugs – a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety (hey Rudy, pay attention, see link). 

And McCain’s stated opposition to the Bush 2001 and 2003 tax cuts was largely based on socialist, class-warfare rhetoric – tax cuts for the rich, not for the middle class. The public record is full of these statements. Today, he recalls only his insistence on accompanying spending cuts. 

As chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, McCain was consistently hostile to American enterprise, from media and pharmaceutical companies to technology and energy companies. 

McCain also led the Gang of 14, which prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees.

And then there’s the McCain defense record.

His supporters point to essentially one policy strength, McCain’s early support for a surge and counterinsurgency. It has now evolved intoMcCain taking credit for forcing the president to adopt General David Petreaus’s strategy. Where’s the evidence to support such a claim?

Moreover, Iraq is an important battle in our war against the Islamo-fascist threat. But the war is a global war, and it most certainly includes the continental United States, which, after all, was struck on 9/11. How does McCain fare in that regard?

McCain-ACLU – the unprecedented granting of due-process rights to unlawful enemy combatants (terrorists).

McCain has repeatedly called for the immediate closing of Guantanamo Bay and the introduction of al-Qaeda terrorists into our own prisons – despite the legal rights they would immediately gain and the burdens of managing such a dangerous population.

While McCain proudly and repeatedly points to his battles with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who had to rebuild the U.S. military and fight a complex war, where was McCain in the lead-up to the war – when the military was being dangerously downsized by the Clinton administration and McCain’s friend, former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen? Where was McCain when the CIA was in desperate need of attention? Also, McCain was apparently in the dark about al-Qaeda like most of Washington, despite a decade of warnings.

My fingers are crossed that at the next debate, either Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney will find a way to address McCain’s record. (Mike Huckabee won’t, as he is apparently in the tank for him.)

– Mark R. Levin served as chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese in the Reagan administration, and he is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host


McCain with BFF Scott Rothstein


Phoenix, AZ (JUNE 10) – Sen. John McCain must personally and publicly explain why he allowed his staff to lie to the media about returning all $1.1 million given to his presidential campaign by a convicted felon; if he accepted even more from the felon’s law partners; and why he has not donated all the dirty money to charity as his campaign claimed.
Federal authorities have been investigating 30 lawyers who worked in the now-defunct firm of Scott Rothstein, who yesterday was sentenced to 50 years in prison for running an elaborate Ponzi scheme.
According to his lawyer and media reports, the convicted felon is giving up the names of people involved and has even gone “undercover” which will likely lead to the arrest of lawyers, business associates and perhaps even politicians.
Tomorrow, Rothstein’s chief operating officer, who personally gave McCain’s political committees at least $30,000, is scheduled to plead guilty to assorted criminal activity.
The lawyers, along with 15 other Rothstein employees, made about $2.2 million in state and federal campaign contributions while he was running the Ponzi scheme from 2005 to 2009.
“McCain is knee-deep in this scandal and he needs to come clean,” said Mark Sanders, spokesman for U.S. Senate Candidate J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ). “He first lied to the media when his campaign said the entire $1.1 million Rothstein collected was given to charity and it was old news. Then he tried to cover it up by saying he gave back the few thousand dollars Rothstein and his wife gave directly.”
Federal officials are examining Rothstein’s use of money from his $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme to pay salaries and give huge bonuses to senior attorneys on the condition that they donate generously to his favorite politicians, including McCain.
“Rothstein and his wife Kimberly held fundraisers for McCain,” Sanders said. “His partner Stuart Rosenfeldt and his wife Susanne gave to McCain and to others, including Florida Gov. Charlie Crist.
“McCain likes to say character matters, but he is displaying his lack of it by keeping the $1.1 million and returning to Rothstein two small individual contributions,” Sanders said.
One employee close to Rothstein, chief operating officer Debra Villegas, donated about $46,000 to McCain, other politicians and political committees in Florida. They gave the dirty money back, while McCain kept his million.
“Everybody seems to get it but McCain,” Sanders said. “He needs to fully account for the distribution of the money he collected from everyone at this corrupt firm and explain to Arizona voters why accepting and keeping money gained from a criminal activity makes him worthy to serve in any public office.”
The racketeering charges against Rothstein allege that the firm’s donations to politicians and campaign committees were largely illegal because they were funded with money from the now-disbarred lawyer’s illegal Ponzi scheme.
“According to media reports, agents for the FBI and the IRS are investigating campaign records to determine how Rothstein used his investment scam to fund the political donations,” Sanders said. “Their next stop needs to be in Phoenix to interview McCain. If he didn’t know how his top contributor was making money he should have. Ignorance is not a defense when this contributor is the number one donor to the ‘McCain Victory 2008’ fund and the ‘McCain-Palin Victory 2008’ fund.”
Sanders said McCain should not try to hide behind his spokesman when it comes to answering these questions.
“McCain’s mouthpiece is the same guy who lied to the media in the first place and prior to joining the Senator’s campaign  was the research director for Al Gore while Gore was trying to convince everyone that planet Earth was about to turn into a fireball because of global warming,” Sanders said. “It’s time for Mr. McCain to step up and personally disavow his acceptance of more than a million dollars he took from a convicted felon.”

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John McCain’s big-spending ways are bankrupting this Nation and you don’t have to look any further than the $850 billion big-bank bailout he supported. That bill also included $150 billion in earmarks for wooden arrow makers, rum distillers and wool producers. Citizens Against Government Waste gave Hayworth a rating of 89 and American Conservative Union gave Hayworth a lifetime rating of 98, both higher than the rating they gave McCain.

McCain likes to twist and contort the facts about J.D. Hayworth’s record, but below you will find the truth.



J.D. spent “$70 billion earmarks and wasteful spending” throughout his 12 years in Congress. McCain spent $150 billion in earmarks and wasteful spending in one bill.
J.D. voted for $223 Million for the “Bridge to Nowhere” When given the opportunity to reallocate funds for the “Bridge to Nowhere” to Hurricane Katrina disaster aid, MCCAIN CHOSE NOT TO ACT and the amendment was defeated.
J.D. voted for $5.8 Million for a Snowmobile Trail in Vermont JD voted FOR a Transportation appropriations bill that recovered $41 million of Arizona taxpayer money from the feds to improve Arizona highways, that McCain voted AGAINST.
J.D. voted for $250k to Control Seaweed Accumulation in Maui J.D. voted FOR a Veterans Affairs appropriations bill providing over $2 Billion to Veterans for readjustment and rehabilitation benefits, that McCain voted AGAINST.
J.D. voted for $3 Million for a Planetarium in Chicago J.D. voted FOR a Veterans Affairs appropriations bill providing over $19 Billion in Veterans’ medical benefits, that McCain voted AGAINST.


Mccain and his lobbyist friends

The desperate campaign of John McCain is continuing to rely upon Democrats and left wing principles in the GOP primary race against conservative J.D. Hayworth. In McCain’s latest TV ad, a woman is featured attacking Hayworth, “He was my Congressman, but we voted him out.” That’s right, instead, Democrat Harry Mitchell was voted in, whose record consists of voting for the billion dollar TARP pork bailouts that McCain voted for, and voting for Cap and Trade legislation – legislation similar to the Cap and Trade legislation McCain has proposed. The McCain campaign would rather vote Hayworth out and vote fellow big-spender Democrat Mitchell in! Tells you a lot about where their values are – they’re not about conservative principles, their first priority is attacking Hayworth even if it means voting for the Democrat instead.

The woman attacking Hayworth, Susan Godfried, works for another moderate McCain crony in the District 5 Congressional race, Jim Ward. Godfried was Ward’s campaign treasurer until recently. Ward moved into Arizona last year to run for the seat and apparently thinks that by associating with McCain, he can win.

McCain’s TV ad attacks Hayworth for becoming a lobbyist after he left Congress. The truth? Hayworth registered as a lobbyist in 2008 to help out one client. That’s all. McCain fails to tell you in the commercial that he became a lobbyist in 1976, when he became the Navy’s liaison to the Senate. In addition, McCain’s highest-level staff are high-paid lobbyists, well-known names like Charlie Black, Rick Davis, and Mark Buse who all earned millions of dollars lobbying Congress for big business, documented in the video below. Wonder how they were able to persuade Congress? Rick Davis was McCain’s campaign manager. Being high-level employees of McCain when they lobby Congress for big business, couldn’t have made a difference, nah! They then turned around and raised money for McCain in exchange. 59 lobbyists raised money for McCain!

Watch the short video below to see just who is really tied into lobbyists – McCain’s history with them is sickening, and it is dishonest of him to paint Hayworth as a Washington lobbyist. Lobbyist Vicki Iseman, who is alleged to have had an affair with McCain and spent a lot of time with him, is pictured below.

McCain and Obama on Immigration

While John McCain is running as far as he can to the right, pretending to be tough on border security now that it is an election year, his closest friends and campaign workers are saying the opposite. Grant Woods, a McCain campaign “senior advisor” and known liberal Republican in Arizona, recently told the Washington Post in an interview, “To be an Arizonan is to be a part of Mexico.” Does this mean Mr. Woods believes the U.S. should cede parts of the country to Mexico to form Aztlan? These kinds of views should come as no surprise from McCain’s campaign staff. His 2008 presidential campaign staff included Juan Hernandez, one of the biggest open borders proponents in the nation.

McCain may fool a few people during this election year who watch his misleading commercials on Fox News. But he has 24 years in the Senate he can’t hide. Watch this 2-minute video below which contrasts Obama’s statements on immigration with Obama’s. They’re exactly the same! In fact, in January of this year, Obama’s press spokesperson Robert Gibbs praised McCain for having the same view on immigration as Obama, and said that the administration wanted him to help them resolve the issue. Even the opposition knows McCain hasn’t changed on immigration.

McCain’s Last Stand?: “Maverick” In Fierce Fight To Hold Onto Senate Seat

McCain’s Last Stand?: “Maverick” In Fierce Fight To Hold Onto Senate Seat

June 6th, 2010 Posted By Pat Dollard.

McCain's Last Stand

LAKE HAVASU CITY, Ariz. (AP) – A serious re-election fight wasn’t what Republican John McCain expected when he returned to the Senate after losing the presidency.

But the four-term senator is battling for his political life in a race that embodies the volatility of an unpredictable election year. He’s facing former Rep. J.D. Hayworth, a fellow Republican pushing him farther to the right as GOP voters demand conservative purity in their candidates and punish those with ties to the Washington establishment.

Two longtime Senate incumbents have fallen—Bob Bennett, R-Utah, and Arlen Specter, D-Pa. A third—Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark.—could see her hopes dashed this Tuesday in a runoff amid voter inclination to reward political neophytes who adhere to party principles over experience.

McCain’s popularity fell in Arizona as he spent years campaigning outside of it, twice for the White House. Hayworth, a radio talk show host who had been in Congress for a dozen years but lost to a Democrat in 2006, saw a chance for a political comeback.

The behemoth in the race, McCain has a decades-old political organization, millions in the bank and six campaign offices. He’s counting on his deep ties to Arizona and legions of longtime backers to carry him through. In contrast, Hayworth has never run statewide, is struggling to raise money and has just two offices. But he’s being fueled by disaffected McCain backers and voters hungry for new leadership.

“He’s been there too long. And he hasn’t done anything for Arizona,” Ally Miller says of McCain, 73. “It’s time for someone new.”

Among Hayworth supporters, there’s a feeling that McCain hasn’t been a loyal Republican, he’s ignored Arizona and his time has passed. Many have voted for him for years—because, they say, there wasn’t another option. With the 51-year-old Hayworth, people fed up with the status quo—and unwilling to automatically give McCain a new six-year term—have somewhere to turn.

“Hayworth is a true conservative patriot,” said a supporter, John Kessler. “McCain has become a big government, tax-and-spend liberal.”

John McCain has all the time in the world to put on Town Halls in Arizona, but for some reason is not available to debate JD Hayworth. He put on a Town Hall this past weekend in Fountain Hills. This Friday, June 4th, he’s putting on a Town Hall in Mesa at 11am at the Mesa High School auditorium.

It has been 95 days since Hayworth asked McCain to debate. There are less than two months left until early ballots are mailed out. What is McCain hiding? He had no problem debating Obama. Why not Hayworth?

It is because McCain doesn’t want the truth to come out. He is not a conservative, he only plays one on TV and during election years. He has been attacking Hayworth for being a big pork spender, and doesn’t want Hayworth to be able to respond and prove to everyone that McCain is lying. Hayworth has a 98% lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union over his 12 years in Congress – impossible to get if you’re really a big porker. McCain has an 81% lifetime rating, which sunk to a low of 63% in 2008 when he voted for and even proposed some of the billion dollar pork TARP bailouts. Hayworth merely voted for a couple of transportation and border security bills in the past where other members of Congress had tacked on pork – now McCain is trying to falsely use that to tarnish Hayworth. 

McCain won’t debate Hayworth because he’s too busy debating himself with his flip-flopping back to the right this year. We urge our readers to show up at the Mesa Town Hall on Friday and ask him the tough questions he should be asked in a debate – like why he voted for the billion dollar pork bailouts, and why he keeps flip-flopping on border security.

McCain stood with Janet Napolitano opposing Prop. 200, the anti-illegal immigration initiativePosted

McCain stood with Janet Napolitano opposing Prop. 200, the anti-illegal immigration initiative

A m e r i c a n  P o s t – G a z e t t e

Distributed by C O M M O N  S E N S E , in Arizona

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words.  

McCain would like you to think he cares about the danged fence now, by spending millions of dollars on TV ads saying so, but in 2004, he stood with Janet Napolitano opposing Prop. 200. Prop. 200, Protect Arizona Now, passed with 56% of the vote in Arizona and requires individuals to show proof of citizenship before registering to vote or applying for public benefits.

The truth is that McCain is more aligned with Democrats than a majority of Arizonans.