One Nation against the Obama’s Chicago Machine

One Nation against the Obama’s Chicago Machine

by Cedra Crenshaw

Last week, I reported how the Chicago Democrat machine had injected itself into neighboring Will County in attempt to knock me on the ballot. My candidacy against a legacy politician, the specially appointed AJ Wilhelmi, was too much of a threat to the status quo in Illinois. Today, the Will County Board of Elections is expected to decide whether I can stay on the ballot; whether the voters of my district will face a competition or a coronation this November.


A few short weeks ago, I was a former accountant, auditor, and stay at home mom.  The trifecta of mortgage, marriage, and motherhood catapulted me into the conservative I am today.  A few Republican reformers noticed my local activism.  They asked me to fill an empty ballot spot against a Democratic incumbent State Senator who is a rubber stamp for the same Chicago Machine that put Obama in the White House.

Despite the fact that the district is 2-1 Democratic, my opponent’s party has hired one of the premier elections attorneys to attempt to knock me off the ballot on technicalities.  These same technicalities have been rejected in court wherever they have been tried.  This attorney has worked for the likes of Obama, Bill Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, etc. The Democratic board deciding the case has simply stalled.  They are attempting to run out the clock.  They have waited six weeks to merely decide if my opponent’s case has any merit.  For six weeks our campaign has been in limbo not knowing how they are going to decide on two simple points.  Time is of the essence in a campaign.  While I always knew that politics was an ugly sport, I was not prepared for the lengths the Democrats would go through to try and sabotage my campaign.  I was One Mom versus the Chicago Machine!

I say, “was” because that has all changed.

I am truly humbled by the ground swell of support, since my article was published.  This started with other moms, volunteers, and frustrated citizens.  The local tea parties have organized several protests.  National radio shows, blogs, and political news sites started covering the story and now we are receiving support from around the nation.  This campaign has become One Nation Against The Chicago Machine!

People have died defending the right to vote.  Soldiers are dying right now is the sands of Iraq and the hills of Afghanistan.  Yet the Chicago Machine would rather engage in tyranny, than have to win an election based on their record!  If we do not protect our freedoms at home, why are we dying for them abroad?  Rests assure America, we will not back down.  With your help, we will defeat the Chicago Machine in the 43rd Illinois State Senate district, and in Washington

The latest from the People’s Republic of Chicago ( the cradle of gangster governing )

The latest from the People’s Republic of Chicago

Phil Boehmke

Dirty Dick Daley the Secretary General of the People’s Republic of Chicago is nothing if not resilient. Comrade Leader quickly regrouped from this weeks SCOTUS decision which found his city’s handgun band to be unconstitutional and fired a fresh volley at the second amendment. A mere hours after three people were stabbed at the city’s annual “Taste of Chicago,” Daley’s Politburo rubber stamped his latest attempt to deny the people their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The new law would continue the city’s ban on gun shops and would require all handguns to be registered with the police. In addition gun owners would have to complete a five hour training course and pay registration and permit fees. According to the Chicago Sun-Times “Within 100 days, anyone who wants to keep a gun in the city will have to register, get their training and pay the fees.” Those who fail to comply with the new regulations would be subject to fines and possibly imprisonment.

Other totalitarian regimes have found that strict regulation and registration of firearms has been a necessary first step in the confiscation of privately owned weapons. Visionary leaders like Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin employed similar tactics to those endorsed by Comrade Daley.

Chicago’s all powerful leader has long been opposed to the second amendment as applied to ordinary citizens and often engages in out-of-control rants against firearms from behind his protective screen of armed police guards. Newsbusters reports that this past May during a press conference in the secure environment of Chicago’s City Hall, Daley went off again.

“If I put this up your-ha!-your but-ha ha!-you’ll find out how effective this is!” Daley told Mick Dumke of the Chicago Reader. Dumke had posed the very sensible question of how the city’s draconian restrictions on gun ownership had helped, given that firearms are still widely accessible, and used in violent crimes throughout the city.

Daley didn’t seem to understand the question, he went on about how many lives the confiscation of guns saves, while ignoring the reporter’s point that gun control doesn’t take firearms out of the hands of criminals. Or, for that matter, politicians peeved with reporters for asking inconvenient questions.

Daley’s ludicrous rant became national news and inspired Christopher Fox of San Jose’ California to respond in kind to the mayor. Mr. Fox allegedly left a “threatening” voice mail in which it is said that he echoed the mayor’s threat to Mick Dumke. The mayor’s security forces traced the call, had Fox arrested, extradited and jailed in Chicago in short order. WGN reports that.

He was charged with threatening a public official.

Fox admitted in court that he made a call to the mayor but denies he made a threat.

On Sunday, Fox’s attorney said he intended to push for a reduction in the $ 1 million bail. Defense lawyer Tony Eben called the bond “unreasonable,” stating that “nothing was said that was to be taken seriously.”

The lesson here is that Mayor Daley can threaten a reporter on video with a bayoneted rifle in a room full of reporters and well armed body guards and face no legal consequences whatsoever, but an average citizen expressing outrage over such egregious behavior will be subject to the full weight of the regime’s legal system. Just another Daley dose of hypocrisy in the People’s Republic of Chicago and Christopher Fox remains behind bars.

GOP wants Justice probe of White House dealmaking

GOP wants Justice probe of White House dealmaking

By WILL LESTER   06/05/10 at 5:00 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rebuffed before, Republicans are renewing demands for a Justice Department investigation into White House dealmaking in two Senate races. The Obama administration says it’s broken no laws, but Republicans aren’t taking its word.

The GOP national chairman, Michael Steele, used his party’s weekly radio and Internet address to keep the political heat on the Democratic White House by urging appointment of a special investigator or independent counsel “who can sort out the facts.”

The White House has acknowledged discussing possible jobs with senatorial candidates Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania and Andrew Romanoff in Colorado — both of whom declined to step aside from challenging White-House backed incumbents. White House defenders have argued that it’s sometimes necessary to avoid messy primary fights.

Attorney General Eric Holder rejected requests from Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee and from California Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House oversight committee, into the first case that came into the news: Rep. Sestak’s claim that he was offered an administration job if he would drop his primary challenge against Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter.

The White House has acknowledged it turned to former President Bill Clinton to urge Sestak to stay in the House and accept an unpaid presidential advisory post rather than challenge Specter, a Republican-turned-Democrat. Sestak declined, and went on to beat Specter in the May 18 primary.

And this week, the White House disclosed that it had contacted Andrew Romanoff, a former Colorado House speaker, about possible administration jobs in hopes that he would not challenge Sen. Michael Bennet in the Aug. 10 Senate primary. Both the White House and Romanoff said there was no job offer, and Romanoff remains in the race.

“From day one of this current flap involving Congressman Joe Sestak and now Andrew Romanoff, the White House efforts to deny, obfuscate, and mislead have only served to raise suspicions even further,” Steele said.

Steele wants “an impartial referee” to get to the bottom of what the White House offered, who authorized it, who knew about it and “what was the expected trade-off for accepting the offer?”

He said President Barack Obama’s dealmaking falls far short of his promise to run the most open administration in history.



GOP weekly address:

Read more:

Obama’s culture of corruption: See, I told you so

Obama’s culture of corruption: See, I told you so

By Michelle Malkin  •  June 4, 2010 09:10 AM

The Summer of Corruption plot thickens
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2010

In Chicago politics, there’s an old term for the publicly subsidized pay-offs and positions meted out to the corruptocrats’ friends and special interests: boodle.

In the age of Obama, Hope and Change is all about the boodle. So it was with the stimulus. And the massive national service expansion. And the health care bill. And the financial reform bill. And the blossoming job-trading scandals engulfing the White House.

There’s always been an ageless, interdependent relationship between Windy City politicos and “goo-goos” (the cynical Chicago term for good government reformers). Chicago-style “reform” has always entailed the redistribution of wealth and power under the guise of public service. And it has inevitably led to more corruption.

In March 2010, this column first took note of allegations by Democrats Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff that the White House had offered them jobs in exchange for dropping their respective bids against Obama-favored incumbent Sens. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Michael Bennet in Colorado. White House legal counsel Bob “The Fixer” Bauer’s attempt to bury questions about the Sestak affair with a Memorial Day weekend document dump failed. So has the attempt to make Rahm Emanuel-enlisted former president Bill Clinton the sole scapegoat.

Bauer’s memo mentions “efforts” (plural, not singular) to woo Sestak. But the White House refuses to divulge what offers besides Clinton’s were extended to Sestak. Moreover, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has now denied that Team Obama was involved in the one Clinton offer that has been publicized — an unpaid appointment on an intelligence board for which Sestak was ineligible.

After months of silence, Romanoff finally stepped forward this week to acknowledge that the White House had dangled several positions before him, too. He released e-mails detailing not one, not two, but three different paid positions offered by White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina — whose boss, Emanuel, was subpoenaed this week by impeached former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois to testify in his Senate pay-for-play corruption trial.

So, can I say “I told you so” now?

In July 2009, when “Culture of Corruption” was first released, liberal critics scoffed:

How could you possibly write a 400-page book about Barack Obama’s rotten administration when he’s only been in office six months?!

When I proceeded to rattle off case after case of Chicago-style back-scratching, transparency-trampling and crooked special interest-dealing in the new White House, liberal critics such as “The View’s” Joy Behar interjected:

B-b-b-but what about Bush? Why don’t you write a book about Bush? Wha-’bout-Bush? Wha-’bout-Bush? Wha-’bout-Bush?

When I pointed out that I had reported extensively on cronyism in the Bush era (see Harriet Miers, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security), and when I further pointed out that while the Bush-bashing market overflowed, there remained a massive vacuum of critical analysis of Obama, liberal critics sputtered:

So what? Doesn’t every administration have corruption?

When I patiently explained that no other administration in modern American history had set itself up as loftily as the Hope and Change reformers had done, or when I cited endless examples of Obama’s broken promises on everything from lobbyists to transparency to Washington business as usual, liberal critics changed the subject again:


Two major job-trading scandals plus the start of the Blago trial this past week — on top of a year’s worth of uninhibited White House wheeling and dealing, broken transparency pledges, Justice Department stonewalling and brass knuckle-bullying of political opponents — have finally turned the once-derided thesis of my book “Culture of Corruption” into conventional wisdom.

Obama sold America a Chicago-tainted bill of goods. A nation of slow learners is finally figuring it out.

President Obama Skips Arlington for Chicago BBQ – Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam Thugs Skirmish with Secret Service and Press pool

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Skips Arlington for Chicago BBQ – Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam Thugs Skirmish with Secret Service and Press pool


How did the President of the United States spend his Memorial day weekend? Honoring the glorious dead by laying a wreath at Arlington cemetery? ? Not a chance.

It is unclear but he may have  pow-wowed with race baiter, Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan, a frequent visitor to the White House. Back in March, Farrakhan blamed the Jews for O’s woes.

“The Zionists are in control of Congress,” Farrakhan said  as he listed off a slew of Jewish economic advisers, adding that the “bloodsuckers of the poor” were rewarded with a bailout.

UPDATED: What is clear is that the paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam, Fruit of Islam, skirmished with Secret Service and the White House press pool.

America is in trouble.

Jackie Calmes, a New York Times reporter who covers the White House, was in Chicago covering the President’s visit there this weekend. On Saturday night, she was one of the reporters who was assigned to the White House pool of reporters covering the President on his evening out having dinner at what appears to be, according to the Chicago reporters on site, the home of  Louis Farrakhan. The official line is that it was the home of Marty Nesbitt (treasurer of OFA — Organizing for America), but the house is “is tax exempt for being a religious institution.” The press pool van was parked nearby.  UPDATE: It appears to have been Nesbitt’s home.

Here is what Jackie Calmes reported on behalf of the press pool:

Sent: Sat May 29 21:08:47 2010
Subject: Pool Report 5

At 7:20 local time the pool was holding at Woodlawn and 49th, next to a large sandstone mansion that the Chicago reporters say is the home of one Louis Farrakhan. Our Secret Service agent allowed us off the bus (Air!) and as a dozen of us congregated on the sidewalk, inevitably some shoes touched grass. Immediately a polite man in jeans and Tshirt emerged to ask us to stay off the grass. Though this grass was the curbside city property, we obliged.
 Soon, however, he was pacing and talking on a cell phone. He went inside the mansion’s black wrought iron fence, crossed the well-landscaped yard, lifted a water bucket behind rose bushes and, voila!, a walkie-talkie. He was heard to refer to “the CIA” once he began speaking into it.

Soon he approached our agent, asking him to move the van and its occupants, though your pooler could not hear much else he said. But the agent said, “How is this a security breach?” And he asked if the house was a government property. The man said something else and at that point the agent stuck out his hand to shake hands and introduced himself as a Secret Service agent. He added, “Sir, I can assure you that we will do nothing to interfere with whatever is going on in there.”

  The man is back to pacing and talking on his cell, walkie-talkie in hand.

  A co-pooler searched the Internet for the address and found it listed on a Web site called NotForTourists and another called
 Indeed, another pooler found a county Web site that confirmed this property is tax exempt for being a religious institution.

 Reinforcements arrived–three men in Tshirts reading “Wide or Die!” One surly man has been staring daggers at us. Asked if this is Minister Farrakhan’s house, he just stared at your pooler. Asked again, he said, “I don’t have no comment.”
  You should have the WH statement on top kill’s failure. At nearly 8 pm local time we are still holding while POTUS and family remain at the Nesbitts.

Sent: Sat May 29 22:07:24 2010
Subject: Pool Report 5a

 It’s 8:45 and nearly dark; your pool has retreated back inside the van. We’re outnumbered now by roughly a dozen Fruit of Islam agents for the Nation of Islam. As each casually dressed man arrives, he exchanges elaborate handshake/hug/double air-kisses with others. Two walked by your pooler chanting “Islam.”
  Several have filmed and photographed your poolers, the van and its license plates with their cell phones.
  One came and stood close to a couple poolers and OUR agent. He asked if he could help. No answer. He asked again. The man said no. The agent said, “Secret Service — Please move away from this group of people.”
  He did.
  Soon the agent asked us to go in the bus.
  We did.
  But several poolers, hearing the call of nature, are asking whether they might ask the Fruit about using their bathroom.
  Still holding. No pun intended.

And now, have a look at how mainstream media (AP) covered this story (and remember, AP feeds all the news outlets throughout the world. This is what they are hearing about, not Farrakhan.) The media is covering all this up.

Back in Chicago, Obamas enjoy weekend barbecue

APCHICAGO — President Barack Obama and his family are enjoying their hometown holiday weekend with barbecue Saturday night at a friend’s home.

The First Family, led by Obama and his mother-in-law Marian Robinson, left their residence in the Hyde Park neighborhood shortly after 4 p.m. They headed to dinner a few blocks away at the house of Chicago businessman Marty Nesbitt.

Obama was dressed casually in a pair of jeans, sandals and blue, button-down collared shirt. He was joined by wife, Michelle, and their daughters, Sasha and Malia, who was walking Bo, the family dog.

Also in attendance were Obama’s brother-in-law Craig Robinson and his wife.

The Obamas are in Chicago for the Memorial Day weekend. Earlier, Obama played basketball at the University of Chicago Lab School.

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America

UPDATE: The Fruit of Islam, by the way, is the paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam.

UPDATE: Byron York has nore now that the story has gotten out. Was Farrakhan there?

It might be assumed that an assurance from the Secret Service would be enough to satisfy any security-minded guardian of Louis Farrakhan.  But not in this case.  Calmes continues:

The man is back to pacing and talking on his cell, walkie-talkie in hand.

A co-pooler searched the Internet for the address and found it listed on a Web site called NotForTourists and another called Indeed, another pooler found a county Web site that confirmed this property is tax exempt for being a religious institution.

Reinforcements arrived — three men in T-shirts reading “Wide or Die!” One surly man has been staring daggers at us. Asked if this is Minister Farrakhan’s house, he just stared at your pooler. Asked again, he said, “I don’t have no comment.”

At nearly 8 p.m. local time we are still holding while POTUS and family remain at the Nesbitts.

More time passed.  The men in T-shirts were joined by even more men,  from the Fruit of Islam, Farrakhan’s security force.  From Calmes:

It’s 8:45 and nearly dark; your pool has retreated back inside the van. We’re outnumbered now by roughly a dozen Fruit of Islam agents for the Nation of Islam. As each casually dressed man arrives, he exchanges elaborate handshake/hug/double air-kisses with others. Two walked by your pooler chanting “Islam.”

Several have filmed and photographed your poolers, the van and its license plates with their cell phones.

One came and stood close to a couple poolers and OUR [Secret Service] agent. He asked if he could help. No answer. He asked again. The man said no. The agent said, “Secret Service — Please move away from this group of people.”

He did. Soon the agent asked us to go in the bus. We did.

At that point, the Secret Service was badly outnumbered by the Fruit of Islam, who apparently believed that some sort of “security breach” had occurred.  Were Farrakhan’s men armed?  Were there more on the way?  The Secret Service agent called for backup.  From Calmes:

9:20 local time and our agent got reinforcements from three Secret Service agents. One shook hands with one of the 22 Fruit members we now can count from the van. After a short discussion the three Secret Service agents walked away again.

No word on when we get to leave. We’re guessing POTUS is watching the Blackhawks game at the Nesbitts’ home.

While this was happening, word of the standoff apparently got around as a result of Calmes’ pool reports (they were sent out piecemeal by email).  Someone who had read the reports got in touch with Farrakhan to let the Nation of Islam leader know that the people waiting outside were just covering Obama.  From Calmes:

The power of pool reportage! Standoff ends, apparently with help of intermediary in Detroit:

Your pooler got a call at about 10:15 local time from a pool report reader who identified himself as the Rev. Gary Hunter, a Baptist minister in Motown who writes and blogs for the Detroit Times. He said he had called Minister Farrakhan and his son and asked them to have the Fruit stand down.

“I told him you were good people,” Rev. Hunter said. “He said he didn’t know you all were just waiting for the president.”

As it happens, the Fruit of Islam indeed had mostly gone by then. The Rev. Hunter apparently is remembered by [White House social secretary staffer Samantha] Tubman, and he said he knows our frequent press rustler Ben Finkenbinder from past travels with Obama.

Anyway, at 10:33 we pulled away and we are at the Obama residence. Never saw POTUS at all.

And that was the end of it.  Some observers will make light of the whole thing — just a little misunderstanding with those weird Nation of Islam guys — but the fact that Farrakhan’s security force is close to the president’s home is likely a matter of continuing concern to the Secret Service.  And on Saturday night, the two forces ran into each other.

Weird Nation of Islam guys – it’s the paramilitary arm on the Nation of Islam. The whole story stinks. Did Obama see Farrakhan or not?