Fitzgerald: Why should we take a chance? Muslims in the armed forces

Fitzgerald: Why should we take a chance?

This is the problem, isn’t it? That nice smiling “Paul Hall” who then takes the name “Hassan Abujihaad” (or is the other way round? And does it really matter what name he goes under, or is it the underlying beliefs that matter?) may smile, and smile, and even sign up, a stout patriot, for the armed services — but for his fellow Americans, if they are Infidels, there is only murder in his heart. And we have no good way of telling who, among those Muslims allowed to arrive on these shores, shares that hatred, or who, while not actively participating in violent Jihad, will support it with money, with political maneuvering, with civil agitation, or with sowing propaganda to swell the ranks of other Muslims. Those other Muslims, meanwhile, are also conducting Jihad using the various instruments that are available — and mere presence, and procreation, constitutes use of the instrument of demographic conquest. Some are merely Muslim-for-identification-purposes-only Muslims, shunning entirely the central tenets of Islam that require the world be viewed as divided between Believers and Infidels, and a permanent state of war between the Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb must exist until the latter succumbs entirely, but there is no way to tell which ones these are.

“Paul Hall” or “Hassan Abujihaad” or one grading into the other, or one using the life experience of the first to protect the other? Nice “Mike” Hawash, Little League father and Intel engineer with a $360,000 annual salary, co-author of a book on computers, or Maher Hawash, buying his ticket, inspired as he was by the 9/11/2001 attacks, that he hoped would take him to Afghanistan where he would take the side of Al Qaeda and kill his fellow, but Infidel, Americans?

Why should we take a chance? We know, from all of the evidence, that a very great number of Muslims in the West become not less but more radical. We know that a very great number of Muslims everywhere, including the West, support Al Qaeda, or Hamas, or Hizballah, or Lashkar-e-Toiba, or Gemaa Islamiyya, or the Ikhwan al-Muslimun, or a thousand other groups (their separate names hardly matter).

Why do we continue to admit them into our countries? Why do Infidels believe they have some kind of duty to make their own lives, and those of their children and grandchildren, far more unpleasant, far more expensive, far more physically dangerous, than they would otherwise be, without a large-scale Muslim presence? Can’t they look and see, at least in this country, at Holland and France, at Great Britain and Germany? Can’t we learn from the horrible immigration mistakes of others? No? Just not possible?

From a posting I put up on February 2, 2007, one will see in the last sentence of the second paragraph mention of “other stories, less-publicized, of a Muslim sailor, on a ship in the Persian Gulf, through an intercepted communication offering to reveal secrets about the ship to make it more vulnerable.”

Quaere: is this Abujihaad (“Father of Jihad”) that sailor, or is there yet another Muslim sailor out there?

Here is that post (lightly edited for clarity):

Several points:

1. The fact that some Muslims say it is all right to “join the army” should not be a source of Infidel satisfaction, but worry. “Joining the army” in order to find out about how the enemy (that is, the Infidels whose Infidel army it is) operates, or to learn certain skills that be applied against Infidels, or even to commit acts of sabotage and betrayal while in the army, might be the motivation.

We have every evidence of this, from the American Muslim soldier who threw a grenade into a tent of sleeping American soldiers, killing two to the Marine who slipped away, apparently to Lebanon (but who knows exactly what he was doing, or what information he gave out, or secrets he betrayed?), was caught, in America gave a press conference in which he declared his complete innocence, ending “Semper Fi” (quite a performance it was, like so many Muslim performances), just before somehow eluding capture and making it out of the country, presumably back to Dar al-Islam. And still the American government has been unable to locate him or bring him back, or perhaps isn’t really trying. There are other stories, less-publicized, of a Muslim sailor, on a ship in the Persian Gulf, through an intercepted communication offering to reveal secrets about the ship to make it more vulnerable.

Then there is the evidence of a lack of patriotism of an identifiable group that, one would think, under all the circumstances, would be moving heaven and earth to prove itself patriotic, yet has done nothing of the kind. A few years ago, while happening to be at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, I visited its military museum. On the desk at the entrance there are bound volumes of World-War-Two era copies of “Stars and Stripes.” I opened one volume at random and read all about the unit we all know about –the 442nd Regiment, the one in which Senator Inouye served, during World War II, and about its exploits. The contrast struck me then, and has struck me since: where are the Muslims clamoring in the United States, in Western Europe, to prove themselves? If, despite the constant efforts to recruit, the British government can only come up with 330 Muslims out of 180,000 people in the armed forces, that is, approximately 1/500th of the force, while Muslims make up 1/30th of the population, then this tells us something.

But it shouldn’t surprise us. Islam teaches that loyalty is owed only to Islam and to fellow Believers. The danger is twofold, for Infidels. One is the absence of any feeling of loyalty to the Infidel nation-state, and a belief that the land on which Muslims live by right, by Allah’s divine right, belongs in the end to them. The Infidels are merely temporarily in charge, sojourners who have no permanent right to any part of the world. The world belongs to Allah and therefore to the best of people. The refusal on the part of our leaders to take Muslim ideology seriously, the refusal to study it in depth and to accept the most transparent and flimsy of apologetic versions, whether offered by Muslims or by the non-Muslim apologists who are all about us, is doing us active harm. The Muslim apologists are full-time practitioners of every kind of evasion and lies and half-lies and half-truths, of taqiyya and tu-quoque, and we can see examples of this every day, on talk shows and in the press all over the Infidel lands. It takes a while, it takes experience and practice, to detect and then to be able to see through, and then to be able to piercingly reveal and at the same time answer, such a fog and pettifog of nonsense and semi-nonsense.

Why is there so much of it? Many reasons. Some do it out of some blend of leftist hatred of The System, of the West, of the White West, of Amerika, of Kapitalism, and find that Islam is now the vehicle of choice to express resentment. Some, like Karen Armstrong, resentful of Christianity and suffering long-term mental desarroi and of course terminal stupidity, find the fantasy of Islam — she hasn’t a clue about the reality of Islam — soothing. Many are apologists out of cupidity: so many are on the Arab take. So many academics are supported directly or indirectly by Arab money for their “centers” and their “chairs,” and so many want to ensure that they do nothing to antagonize their Muslim colleagues, who are eternally vigilant in monitoring their work, and can cause them all kinds of trouble. And others are ignorant, willfully or lazily ignorant, and do not want to think for themselves. They do not want to connect the dots of observable Muslim behavior by abandoning their false model, their Ptolemaic model of a “few extremists” for the true, Copernican theory that can not only explain all the data, in Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Thailand, and also Paris, London, Amsterdam, and Beslan, but also has predictive value. It could and did predict, for example, what would happen, necessarily, in Iraq, and what will happen, necessarily, in Iraq if the Americans withdraw (hint: it won’t be good for the Camp of Islam, and will give America that “victory” about which Bush and Cheney prate without ever understanding, or recognizing, in what such a true “victory” for the West would consist — nor do any of their critics).

Muslims and Western Armed Forces: what a paradox. What do we want? We know Muslims are taught not to offer any loyalty to the legal and political institutions of the Infidel nation-state. Don’t expect it. Don’t squander resources trying to make Muslims forget, or never know, what Islam is all about, because it will not work. They will find out. The Infidel states — England, France (Sarkozy is disastrously intent on “affirmative action” for Muslims in the organs of the state –he is not nearly well-versed enough in Islam, even if he appears, by optical illusion, to be sufficiently comprehending of the matter, and appropriately sober in his supposed “hard line” that is not nearly hard enough) — have to give up pious hopes for “integration” that rely on a shared game of Let’s Pretend: Let’s Pretend that Islam does not inculcate what Islam inculcates. Let’s Pretend that Islam is not Islam.

The numbers of Muslims in the British Armed Forces are telling. They tell us what, if we knew about Islam, would come as no surprise.

But what if the British government manages to increase the number of Muslims in the army, and the police, say five-fold or ten-fold or twenty-fold? Would that be good? Would that be considered a “success”? Not if one understood Islam. Not if one understood the reasons why people were joining up at this point — not out of a sudden loyalty (the time for that was five, four, three, two years ago) but out of something which those with long experience of the problem (J. B. Kelly, for example, to me just a week ago) have worried about: the slow and steady infiltration into the army, security services, and police, all over Europe, of Muslims intent on what, by their Total System, they should be intent on.

Worry, every which way.

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