The Justice Department’s war on the truth

The Justice Department’s  war on the truth

Posted: October 25, 2011
3:31 pm Eastern

© 2011


The U.S. Department of Justice is becoming a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Obama administration is bowing to Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups and stopping the use of all training materials for law enforcement and  national security officials that refer to jihad and any and all references to  Islam. Yet Anwar al-Awlaki was a devout imam who preached the Quran. So  let me understand this: Obama executed Awlaki for preaching  jihad. That was all he did. Awlaki did not kill anyone. And yet Obama  orders law enforcement to drop all mention of jihad and the Islamic motivation  of terrorists. What’s the difference?

Why did he kill Awlaki?

The Justice Department held a seminar last week on  “Confronting Discrimination in the Post 9-11 Era.” Among the treacherous  conspirators indoctrinating believers and non-believers was the notorious Jew-hating pollster James Zogby and the ghastly leader of the  Muslim Brotherhood-tied Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Mohammed Magid.

James Lafferty, a board member of my organization, the American Freedom  Defense Initiative (AFDI), was there and reported: “Speaker after speaker  recited anecdote after anecdote which demonstrated that, except for the Justice  Department, law enforcement is conspiring with ‘bigoted’ Americans to suspend  the First Amendment protections of religious expression and free speech.”

The DOJ promised to fight that “bigotry” by changing training materials  designed to help law enforcement officials understand the jihad threat. Dwight  Holton, the U.S. attorney in Oregon, said: “I want to be perfectly clear about  this: Training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a  tendency toward violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to  everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice  stands for. They will not be tolerated.”

The only ones really responsible for the idea that Islam  is “a religion of violence or with a tendency toward violence” are the Muslims  who act violently and justify their violence by quoting the Quran. That isn’t  “bigotry.” It’s the truth.

This comes fresh on the heels of my recent WND column, “Obama’s  Department of Shariah,” describing how the DOJ is actively pursing cases to  gain special privileges for Muslims. In case after case, the Department of  Justice’s pursuit of the Shariah is surpassed only by that of the Supreme  Council of Al-Azhar, the most prestigious institution in Sunni Islam.

How can Obama enforce the blasphemy laws of the Shariah (do not criticize,  offend or speak truthfully about Islam) and order the killing of Imam Awlaki?  Think about that.

Banning study of the religious motivation of Muslim  terrorists has been a cornerstone of this national-security policy  throughout the Obama administration, but Obama orders the executions of those  who are proselytizing for and advancing what they present as pure Islam,  authentic Islam.

What is this policy? Perhaps Obama prefers the stealth  jihad, and the violent jihad only calls attention to  the true nature of Islamic law. Incoherent is a best-case scenario  explanation on this, but I do not believe that. In my book “The  Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War On America,” I give  the details of his pro-Islam leanings from the beginning of his career. And now  as president, on foreign policy, he has aided and abetted the overthrow of  secular governments. Libya, like Tunisia and Egypt, is heading toward becoming  an Islamic state. His anti-Israel policies have led to the increased isolation  of the tiny Jewish state, making it a ripe target for Islamic imperialists and  devout Muslims.

And his Department of Justice is on the offense against America. While doing  research for my book “Stop  the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” I  discovered some startling information about the full extent  of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the Department of Justice and its brazen  pro-Muslim activities, including the creation  of Muslim-majority legislative districts. And when I inquired  for documentation related to these activities, the DOJ’s response to me  indicated that the agency’s ties with Islamic supremacist groups are far more  extensive than anyone has realized. Nelson Hermilla of the DOJ responded,  telling me that my request involved 14,100 documents that I could only get by  paying $1,400.

It is a bombshell that there would be more than 14,000 documents identified  as a result of the FOIA request I made to the Department of Justice. I made a  relatively isolated request on a narrow topic the Civil Rights Division really  doesn’t even have direct jurisdiction over (“Muslim outreach”), and they come up  with over 14,000 documents.

Hermilla complained that “it is not clear in what manner the collection of  all five-year’s records might contribute to the general public understanding.”  That they would challenge the “public interest” aspect of my request is also  astounding. Given the recent coverage of the DOJ’s scuttling  of the prosecution of CAIR officials in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding  case, and its advocacy for the Muslim schoolteacher  who demanded a month off to go to Mecca and was given $75,000 in a  settlement, their claim is flimsy.

Hermilla is flouting the law by making me wait for eight months now since my  first request, making a mockery of Obama’s promise to run a transparent  administration and suppressing information that is critical for the American  public to know. They still have not turned over any of these documents.

Concurrently, DOJ whistleblower J. Christian Adams has  revealed that “all 10 new hires to the Justice  Department’s Criminal Section have far-left resumes.” Every hire Holder  is making is one that America will have to live with long after Obama is gone.  They have put in place the legal apparatus to pursue a  treasonous agenda.

The American people should demand that the next president prosecute the  Muslim Brotherhood co-conspirators and pledge to purge their operatives in the  Department of Justice, Department of State and Department of  Defense.