Israel urges “crippling” sanctions now against Iran

Israel urges “crippling” sanctions now against Iran
09 Feb 2010 11:41:24 GMT

Source: Reuters

 JERUSALEM, Feb 9 (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for immediate and crippling sanctions against Iran on Tuesday, on the day it began making higher-grade nuclear fuel. 

“Iran is rushing forward to produce nuclear weapons…I believe that what is required right now is tough action by the international community,” Netanyahu told European diplomats. “This means crippling sanctions and these sanctions must be applied right now.” (Reporting by Douglas Hamilton, Writing by Jeffrey Heller, Editing by Ori Lewis) (For blogs and links on Israeli politics and other Israeli and Palestinian news, go to

Islam’s Child Martyrs in America

Islam’s Child Martyrs in America

Posted By Jamie Glazov On February 9, 2010 @ 12:13 am In FrontPage | 7 Comments


Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing [2]. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. [3] He can be contacted at [4] and his site is [5].


FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

I would like to talk to you today about jihadi torture videos that have come into your possession and also about Islam’s child martyrs in America.

But first, give us some updates on your new research in terms of counter-terrorism.

Gaubatz: Thank you Jamie.

I just returned from DC, MD, PA, WV, VA, and NJ conducting various counter-terrorism (CT) research.  I would like to say that while various realms of our government are doing an outstanding job in protecting our families from future Islamic based terrorist attacks, we have several serious problems. One of them is that our President doesn’t even officially have any type of plans on a “War on Terrorism.” Sadly, we are being overtaken by these groups. I meet Americans and other concerned citizens from Canada and the UK, and they know America and their countries are slowly/patiently being overtaken from within, while their leaders are ignoring the national threats.

FP: Give us some specifics on what you have recently discovered.

Gaubatz: I am beginning to see more and more violent material published and distributed to young Muslim children advocating killing Jews and Christians, and how to conduct treason/sedition inside America and to ultimately take our country down as we know it.

CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) strongly informs its followers to not assist our law enforcement agencies and to not conduct slander and backbiting against Islamic leaders. Within Sharia law there are severe penalties for undermining the efforts of the ‘Islamic Ummah’ (Nation) and their specific target of a worldwide Ummah under Sharia law.

I have been provided hundreds of DVD’s originally videotaped by Islamic terrorist groups while they conducted torture and killings of people (even Muslims) who have helped their enemies (Israel, America, UK, Canada, etc…) to further (in their opinion) oppress the Muslim Ummah.

FP: Talk a bit more about these videos.

Gaubatz: This part of my work is very depressing because I have to review the most extreme animal actions by terrorist groups on innocent people, to include young children. I reviewed hundreds of videos the American people and law enforcement do not get to see, and our government does not want the American people to see. Why? I will explain later.  I witnessed innocent people being slaughtered like animals. The Islamic terrorist groups had children cut and behead a fellow Muslim. In addition several young Muslim men had to stand in line and wait their turn to have their tongues removed by an al-Qaeda member with a razor blade. Several men had to put their arm on a board and a terrorist used a baseball to break his arm. Then he had to put his other arm out for the same treatment.

These are the type of people CAIR supports and even our government supports. The IRS grants CAIR and other such organizations non-profit organizational status and tax free benefits, while you and I are forced to pay taxes to support the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. Something doesn’t seem right and politicians who protect these groups will lose in the end. The American people will not allow our children to suffer at the hands of terrorist groups.

FP: Share with us how Muslim children are being taught to kill “oppressors” of Islam, even inside America.

Gaubatz: For many years I have tracked the materials coming into America from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan specifically.  Based on my research, these two countries are responsible for distributing jihadi materials, not just to adults, but to Muslim youth right here in America.

The message is clear: “Islam is a religion of Jihad, in peace and in war. Jihad is one of the noblest principles of Islam.” The manual where this message is found is titled, “A Guide for The Young Muslim.” The manual further describes Jihad as being physical fighting against their enemies and oppressors. It is admired to be a “martyr.” This book was found in northern VA, and a CAIR pamphlet was beside it.

“Martyrdom means transfusion of blood into a society, especially a society from anemia. It is the martyr who infuses fresh blood into the veins of the society.” The manual in which this teaching was contained was found in VA (again alongside a CAIR brochure). It is titled “The Martyr” and was originally printed in Houston, TX.

I would like to explain how the above statement is applicable here in America and reaches Muslim children.  When Maj. Hasan murdered the innocent people at Fort Hood, he was trying to revitalize the Muslim people to not lose hope, to continue pursuing the agenda of al-Qaeda and others, and most importantly to let them know there are “martyrs” working inside America who are ready to die for Islam.  He is 100% correct. Sleeper cells are alive and well not only in America, but Canada, the UK, and most countries worldwide.

The terrorist sleeper cell is not waiting for a “green light” from an al-Qaeda leader who may already be dead (Osama bin Laden); the green light was already given to the Jihadists many years ago.  The word is being kept alive through the manuals, DVDs, and books being sent into our country by the leadership of Pakistan and Saudi, with the help of many of our own elected officials.  How many people know that Hamas and Saudi Arabia sponsored former President Jimmy Carter’s books and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get them into the hands of young children so they will support the cause of Palestine/Hamas?  Our research team uncovered this several months ago and more documents pertaining to this issue will soon be released to the public.

FP: Ok, we will be talking to you right when you release this information.

Give us an update on the CAIR lawsuit against you and your son, Chris.

Gaubatz: First I would like to thank the many people supporting Chris and I in this frivolous lawsuit (per the words of CAIR Executives). Our attorneys Daniel Horowitz, Bernard Grimm, and Martin Garbus, to name a few are people, I will always respect because they know CAIR is just not targeting Chris and I, but the whole American infrastructure.  They are trying to make an example of Chris and me so others will never try and expose them.

But CAIR made one fatal error:  They did not realize I have some of the same attributes of the Muslim Brotherhood: I have patience and persistence. I have no fear of terrorist groups or what they can and have tried to do to me in regards to physical attacks. I have no love for material goods such as cars and houses, and most importantly I love my country as much as they love their desire to control our world under Sharia law (an Islamic Nation worldwide).

Behind the scenes during our undercover research, CAIR Executives told our researchers and my own son certain things that amount as a threat to me. I am ready to testify about all of this with hardcore evidence to back me up.

FP: Final words?

Gaubatz: Thank you Jamie. I again want to thank all of my supporters. It will not be me that legally defeats the Muslim Brotherhood, it will be the people behind the scenes who care for our country and who support the work my team and I do each day to protect our country.

In addition to the time, locations, and dates, Islamic based terrorist acts are committed with much more thought than many of our “authorities” would like you to believe. There is actually a day set aside to celebrate “martyrs” who have given their life to murder innocent Jews, Christians, and non-Muslims not adhering to the strict laws of Sharia. It is called the “The Day of Ashura” (10th Muharram). Readers who are interested should research on their own how many terrorist attacks have been finalized on the 10th of a month, and carried out on the 11th.

Thank you Jamie.

FP: Dave Gaubatz, thank you for joining us.

Veteran congressman’s death adds to Barack Obama’s woes–Democrats fear Republicans will win seat held since 1974

Location World news Web

Veteran congressman’s death adds to Barack Obama’s woes

• Democrats fear Republicans will win seat held since 1974
• President’s poll ratings fall further amid health care impasse

John MurthaJohn Murtha. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP

The Democratic party faces another election test after the death yesterday of John Murtha, a congressman dubbed by his colleagues the “king of pork”.

Murtha, aged 77, had been in the House of Representatives since being elected to his Pennsylvania district in 1974.

The fear in the party is that Republicans will notch up another victory when a special election is held, probably May.

The Democrats have been panicking since losing Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat to the Republicans last month.

Murtha’s nickname referred to so-called pork barrel politics – bringing government spending to bear in a representative’s own district.

His death came on a day that saw Barack Obama‘s poll ratings fall further. A Marist poll found that only 44% of voters surveyed approved of his job performance, down 2% on December. More alarming for Democratic strategists, 57% of independents disapprove of his performance.

Murtha’s death will have a neglible impact on the arithmetic of the House, where the Democrats have an overwhelming majority, unlike in the Senate. But another defeat in the spring would add to the sense of panic among Democrats in the run-up to the Congressional mid-term elections in November.

Murtha’s office said he had died in hospital after complications following gallbladder surgery. He had been in hospital for several months.

His election in 1974 marked him out as the first of those to have served in Vietnam to make it into Congress.

He was popular on the left as one of the first senior Democrats in 2005 to turn against the Iraq war. But he was also one of the leading exponents of ‘pork-barrel’ politics, a practice that has long been reviled outside Washington and is one of the reasons for the present levels of disenchantment.

Murtha, as chairman of the House defence appropriations sub-committee, added ‘earmarks’, special spending projects to help his district, to defence bills, hence the King of Pork.

Scandal hovered over him throughout much of his career.

Murtha faced a tough race for re-election in 2008 after sabotaging his own campaign by referring to some of voters in Pennsylvania as “racist”.

One of the reasons for the turnaround in Democratic fortunes is opposition to Barack Obama’s health reform plan.

The president will make a fresh push this month to get his troubled health reform package through Congress by meeting both Democrats and Republicans, hoping to find common ground.

The half-day discussion at Blair House, opposite the White House, will be broadcast live on television to counter public criticism that too many deals in Washington are made behind closed doors.

Obama announced the meeting during a CBS television interview on Sunday evening. “I want to consult closely with our Republican colleagues … to ask them to put their ideas on the table. I want to come back and have a large meeting, Republicans and Democrats, to go through systematically all the best ideas that are out there and move it forward,” he said.

The Republican leader in the House of Representatives, John Boehner, welcomed the move as “a real, bipartisan conversation”, but added: “The problem with the Democrats’ healthcare bills is not that the American people don’t understand them; the American people do understand them and they don’t like them.”

The Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, welcomed the meeting, but suggested he was unlikely to compromise, calling for the Democrats’ bill to be shelved.

The move buys the Democrats a few more weeks while they debate among themselves whether to push forward with the bill or abandon it. The version of the bill passed by the Senate on Christmas Eve would extend health care to 30 million more Americans

WHITE HOUSE: OBAMA CRITICS HELPING AL QAEDA — This fits in with the Bush did it theme

WH: Some Critics ‘Serving the Goals of al Qaeda’

February 09, 2010 7:16 AM

In an oped in USA Today, John Brennan — Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism — responds to critics of the Obama administration’s counterterrorism policies by saying “Politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaeda.”

Brennan writes that, “Terrorists are not 100-feet tall. Nor do they deserve the abject fear they seek to instill.”

In the oped, titled “‘We need no lectures’: Administration disrupts terrorists’ plots, takes fight to them abroad,” Brennan writes that politics “should never get in the way of national security. But too many in Washington are now misrepresenting the facts to score political points, instead of coming together to keep us safe.”

The administration op-ed is in response to a USA Today editorial entitled “National security team fails to inspire confidence; Officials’ handling of Christmas Day attack looks like amateur hour.”

Brennan provides a detailed defense of the administration’s handling of failed Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab whom, he says, was “thoroughly interrogated and provided important information.”

He suggests that many critics are hypocritical and clueless.

The most important breakthrough in the interrogation occurred “after Abdulmutallab was read his rights, which the FBI made standard policy under Michael Mukasey, President Bush’s attorney general,” he writes, noting that failed shoe bomber Richard Reid “was read his Miranda rights five minutes after being taken off a plane he tried to blow up. The same people who criticize the president today were silent back then.”

Brennan said anyone who wants to change the policy would be casting aside lessons learned “in waging this war” on extremists.

“Terrorists such as Jose Padilla and Saleh al-Mari did not cooperate when transferred to military custody, which can harden one’s determination to resist cooperation,” he writes.

He calls it “naive to think that transferring Abdulmutallab to military custody would have caused an outpouring of information. There is little difference between military and civilian custody, other than an interrogator with a uniform. The suspect gets access to a lawyer, and interrogation rules are nearly identical.”

Moreover, Brennan says, hundreds of terrorists have been convicted in criminal courts while only three have been convicted in the military tribunal system.

The former CIA official also asserts that the Obama administration is doing a better job than the Bush administration did in taking the fight to al Qaeda. “This administration’s efforts have disrupted dozens of terrorist plots against the homeland and been responsible for killing and capturing hundreds of hard-core terrorists, including senior leaders in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and beyond — far more than in 2008.”

“We need no lectures about the fact that this nation is at war,” he says.

USA Today’s editorial writers see it all a bit differently, of course, writing that though “the Obama administration’s national security officials have struggled to assure the public that they know exactly what they’re doing,” they are so far “achieving the opposite, and they’re needlessly adding some jitters in the process.”

The editorial writers fault the Obama administration for announcing “last week that an attack by al-Qaeda is likely in the next three to six months. The warning is bound to frighten the public, with no obvious benefit beyond the ability to say ‘I told you so.'”

They also refer to National Intelligence Director Admiral Dennis Blair (ret.) as having “had a ‘Duh!’ moment” for acknowledging that “authorities fumbled the initial questioning of Abdulmutallab by failing to call in the high-value interrogation group, which was created to question terrorism suspects. Refreshingly candid, yes, but not a statement that inspires confidence. Especially when the same day, at another Senate hearing, FBI Director Robert Mueller testified that the high-value unit was still in its ‘formation stages’ and that ‘there was no time’ to get it to Detroit.”

USA Today’s editorial writers say that when senior administration officials revealed Abdulmutallab’s cooperation with authorities, “the news pretty much negate(d) earlier claims that no intelligence was lost when Abdulmutallab was prematurely read his rights.”

– jpt

Fearing for Freedom in a Post-Christian Europe

Fearing for Freedom in a Post-Christian Europe

By David J. Rusin | Sun, 31 Jan 2010, 11:06 PM | Permalink

Sometimes it seems that European Christian leaders are more concerned with preparing their flocks for dhimmitude than with defending their faith and the civilization built around it. Among other infamies, prominent clerics have maintained that the acceptance of Shari’a law is “unavoidable,” urged believers to refer to God as “Allah,” suggested that Lent be rebranded as “Christian Ramadan,” and insisted that Catholic schools incorporate Muslim prayer rooms.

But not all are content to watch Christianity “go gentle into that good night” — and often they specify secular reasons. Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Anglican bishop of Rochester, has argued that many of the freedoms and institutions enjoyed in Europe have Christian roots — and thus are put at risk by sidelining Christianity. Likewise, he has hammered the UK’s multicultural policies as unmitigated failures that serve only to undermine societal cohesion, even fostering Islamist-run “no-go areas” in major cities.

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Obama’s All New Never-Before Seen Amazing Bipartisan Outreach

Obama’s All New Never-Before Seen Amazing Bipartisan Outreach

February 8th, 2010 Posted By Erik Wong.


True Slant:

This master plan was clearly hatched in super-secret, high-level, eyes-only briefings. But the wait is finally over. The plan to prevent every single last Democrat from being bodily thrown into the Capitol fountain on November 2, is, wait for it . . . to be more bipartisan. Obama is going to offer to include Republicans in the governing process, and if they don’t vote for his legislation, he’ll call them obstructionists.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s campaign strategy for Democrats in the November elections is taking shape — appeal to Republicans to make compromises and if they do not, accuse them of obstruction.

Obama is basically angling to call the bluff of Republicans who he believes have done nothing but stand in opposition to his proposals on revamping the U.S. healthcare system and stimulating the economy. . . .

“I told my Republican friends I want to work together with them where I can — and I meant it,” Obama said at a Democratic event on Thursday. “And I told them I will also call them out if they say they want to work on something then when I offer a hand, I get nothing in return.”

Sounds great . . . and rather familiar.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. This was from one year ago, February 11, 2009.

Despite a pledge to bridge the partisan divide in Washington, President Obama left the capital this week to deploy a battle-tested strategy of bypassing Congress and taking his policy proposals to the people.

The result was a political scene that more resembled the hard-knuckle presidential campaign than the diplomatic transition period.

Obama hit the stump and the airwaves to talk up his economic recovery package and shame its foes into supporting it. Republicans countered with press conferences blasting the Democratic agenda. Both sides traded fire in the editorial pages.

And from March 2009.

Sen. John McCain says President Obama is breaking campaign promises he made to the American people and has passed up numerous opportunities to reach out to Republicans — a pledge the Democrat made repeatedly during their battle for the presidency. . . .
And let’s not forget that when Obama brings Republicans in to hear their suggestions, it’s all just for show. After all, when one Republican questioned Obama’s spending priorities last year, Obama, reading from the same script as Pelosi, replied in classic bipartisan fashion, “I won.”

The Arizona senator said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “put it best” when she described the lack of bipartisanship in the drafting of the $787 billion bailout bill, which garnered just three Republican votes in the Senate. That applies not just to that bill, but it does to all of the other pieces of legislation, too,” he said, clearly exasperated.

” ‘We won, we wrote the bill.’

The top congressional leaders from both parties gathered at the White House for a working discussion over the shape and size of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan. The meeting was designed to promote bipartisanship.

But Obama showed that in an ideological debate, he’s not averse to using a jab.

Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”

Then there was this classic bipartisan, reach-across-the-aisle moment from August of last year.

Obama’s new pick: Gov. of state that linked Christians, violence

Obama’s new pick: Gov. of state that linked Christians, violence

February 8th, 2010

By Bob Unruh, WorldNetDaily

 Jeremiah Dixon linked conservatives to domestic terrorists

President Obama has picked to advise him on military actions inside the U.S. the Missouri governor whose state “Information Analysis Center” last year linked conservative organizations to domestic terrorism and said law enforcement officers should watch for suspicious individuals who may have bumper stickers from Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin.

Missouri Gov. Jeremiah Nixon, a Democrat, is being joined on the Obama’s special advisory panel by the governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuno, and Arizona Gov. Janice Brewer, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s replacement when she moved to Washington.

They are among Obama’s nominations for the 10 positions on Obama’s new “Council of Governors” that he will use for advice on “military activities in the United States.”

WND reported earlier when Obama announced the council to advise on military actions in the U.S. and “to protect our nation against all types of hazards.”

A subsequent WND report confirmed when a rebellion developed to the order, and a new push was launched for states to adopt laws limiting the use of their National Guard units unless there is an invasion, insurrection or other limited circumstance.

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Obama’s gay “religious” advisor trying to hurt the Pope and the Catholic Church using condoms

Obama’s gay “religious” advisor trying to hurt the Pope and the Catholic Church using condoms

February 8th, 2010

By Kevin “Coach” Collins, Collins Report

 Obama’s Gay Czar continues to attack the Catholic Church

Democrats like to say “A fish rots from the head down.” Where are they now that Harry Knox, a militant homosexual advisor to Obama, has once again attacked the Catholic Church?

Knox, Obama’s Faith Based Advisor, has renewed his attack on Pope Benedict XVI charging he is trying to use the name of Jesus to hurt people by stating that condoms increase the spread of AIDS in Africa; as if they don’t.

Just another Gay activist willing to lie

To the pseudo religious Left condoms are a sacrament they’ll go to war to defend.
In the “oh so suave and sophisticated” world of Obama, and those he surrounds himself with, it’s not politically correct to ever challenge the effectiveness of condoms because they provide the type of hedonistic non-judgmental freedom that is at the very core of their lifestyle.

The “Beautiful people” will never admit it but condoms had a very serious failure rate of over 30% in a University of Texas report. The study was an examination of eleven independent surveys whose findings went beyond a mathematical failure rate to an explanation of why the failures happen.

Sexually transmitted diseases, the report declared, are tiny organisms that are small enough to pass through tiny imperceptible holes in all condoms. For perspective, HIV the virus that causes AIDS is so small two million of these death causing organisms can fit on the period at the end of this sentence.

Knox has never hesitated to show his anti Catholic bigotry, and has even mocked Benedict’s visit to Africa to lend spiritual support to its AIDS stricken people. It’s no coincidence that Barack Obama, a man who has continually shown contempt for the Catholic Church should have Knox as an advisor: The fish rots from the head down after all.

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75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies

75% Are Angry At Government’s Current Policies

February 9th, 2010

Rasmussen Reports

Many people are upset with Obama’s big government policies 

Voters are madder than ever at the current policies of the federal government.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 75% of likely voters now say they are at least somewhat angry at the government’s current policies, up four points from late November and up nine points since September. The overall figures include 45% who are Very Angry, also a nine-point increase since September.

Just 19% now say they’re not very or not at all angry at the government’s policies, down eight points from the previous survey and down 11 from September. That 19% includes only eight percent (8%) who say they’re not angry at all and 11% who are not very angry.

Part of the frustration is likely due to the belief of 60% of voters that neither Republican political leaders nor Democratic political leaders have a good understanding of what is needed today. That finding is identical to the view last September, just after the tumultuous congressional town hall meetings the month before. But only 52% felt this way in November.

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Obama on the legal implications of Einstein’s theory of relativity

Obama on the legal implications of Einstein’s theory of relativity

James Lewis

Quote from the Washington Post:

“This is someone who in law school worked with [Harvard professor] Larry Tribe on a paper on the legal implications of Einstein’s theory of relativity,” said senior adviser David M. Axelrod. “He does have an incisive mind; that mind is always put to use in pursuit of tangible things that are going to improve people’s lives.”

Hmmm… should we be impressed?

What is astonishing — what’s mind-boggling — but explains a lot — is that:

1. Lawrence Tribe, always mentioned as the next Supreme Court nominee, would lend his name to such utter sophomoric moonshine, thereby exposing himself to ridicule from the entire Harvard Faculty, and screwing up his chances to ever get to the Court.

2. That Obama himself would fall for it — as the elected chief honcho of the Harvard Law Review! (Although it may explain why nothing he wrote ever got published).

3. That David Axelrod, supposed PR genius, would cite this arrant nonsense as a point IN FAVOR of his boss.

4. That a WaPo reporter would publish it in a recitation of why the man in the White House is sane after all, even while expecting the Democrats in Congress to commit political suicide for the greater glory of Obama.

5. That some editor at the WaPo allowed it to pass, in spite of the fact that everybody with any scientific background is laughing their heads off as this juicy bit of news is buzzing around the web.

And yet, and yet… there it is. It’s an “admission against interest” in legalese, and therefore all the more credible.

I conclude that:

1. The President and his inner circle are unbelievably ignorant about science and technology, not to mention the legal implications of Einstein (of which there are exactly none).

2. This Administration is just as scientifically illiterate and brain-suckered as its wholehearted support of the Global Warming Fraud would lead one to believe.

3. That the official Illuminati of the Left have now indoctrinated THEMSELVES so that they believe their own superstitions — where previously all that just seemed to be another cynical ploy.

4. That we are therefore much worse off than I had previously imagined, because our leadership in Washington DC is not just cynical and mendacious, but objectively ignorant beyond belief.

5. That the Global Warming Fraud actually reflects the genuine beliefs of the Best and the Brightest that the liberal elite has on offer.

6. Ugh!!!

Jim Lewis

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