Barack Obama & the Wisdom of Forrest Gump –arrogance is as arrogance does.

Barack Obama & the Wisdom of Forrest Gump

By Lee Cary

The simple yet profound wisdom of the movie character Forrest Gump — “stupid is as stupid does” — has entered the Democratic race for the nomination.  This time, though, the lesson is: arrogance is as arrogance does.


Thanks to American Thinker’s Rick Moran and his analysis of a video from an LA Times blog, even better displayed in another camera angle posted by the Baltimore Sun, it’s clear that Senator Obama delivered a common obscene gesture in Senator Clinton’s direction as he spoke to a crowd of his loyal followers in North Carolina the day after the Philadelphia debate.  He shot Hillary the bird, only slightly surreptitiously.  Visit the links above to see it happen.


Obama’s explanation of how the debate questions represented “Washington” playing “gotcha politics” is telling by itself.  Whining does not become anyone who aspires to be the President of the United States of America, as Obama likes to voice the complete title of the job he wants.  And his assurances that he was unfazed by the perceived attacks he received from the ABC moderators resemble the braggadocio of the boxer who climbs up from the canvas on a nine count, nose bleeding with one eye swollen shut, saying “Hey, he never laid a glove on me.”  We could read Obama’s body language in the debate.  We saw him take heavy leather.  So what is this video all about, and what does it tell us about Barack Obama?


At its basest level, it displays his immaturity.  Why in the world would a U.S. Senator use an obscene gesture to send a marginally subtle message to his inter-party opponent in a nomination campaign?  That’s just not smart.  He will, if challenged on it, deliver an incredible denial alleging that such an interpretation is itself another effort of gotcha politics.  But that will hang by a shred of cloth, at most.  Only children below middle school (hopefully) and the visually impaired can miss his intention. This is the act of one who would be President that displays a remarkable level of immaturity.   


It was also act of arrogance. As Forest Gump would say, “Arrogance is as arrogance does.”  This was Obama arrogance on display.  His followers saw it, too, and they cheered. That is nearly as disturbing. This guy is not running for a seat on the City Council of a small town. In mine, and most small towns, giving the bird to an opponent would seal defeat in a close election. The obvious fact that his followers liked what he did, and that he enjoyed them liking it, should give us sober pause. Collectively, those in that audience also lack humility.


It was an act of self-defeating stupidity for a politician at his level.  If you’re a Hillary Clinton supporter and you see this, what impact does it have on you?  The best coached athletic teams will not run up the score on their opponents at the end of the game when they’re ahead. Why? Two reasons: they respect their opponent, and they know a humiliated opponent will be motivated to seek revenge.  In a voting public evenly divided between the two major political parties, Obama as the nominee will need support from all of Hillary’s backers. If you’re one of them, will you forget the “finger” moment?  Not likely.  His was the behavior of a divider, not the uniter he claims to be.


Lastly, it was an act of someone who is being seduced by the adulation of those he has seduced.  The questions he objects to pertain to his character. We care more about that, as Americans, than the inside-the-Beltway wonkishness of programs and policies that he says we want to hear about. The literate among us have gotten those points already, thank you.  Besides, most of what candidates promise never see reality after they get elected anyway.  After a point reached relatively soon, we’re more interested in knowing the person than their platform.


Obama has been lulled into a sense of invincibility by his cheering, fainting, fawning crowds. Until the CBS debate, that adulation was being propelled by the MSM. But for some reason, Charlie and George decided to join Tim’s brief moment in that shining light of the journalistic maturity he displayed in a previous debate, and they actually asked tough questions!  It shocked us.  But Obama – he was offended. This is the same man who wants to sit down with our adversaries and reason with them?  


Here are things Obama clearly does not know.  Never ridicule your opponent — not before, during or after the contest.  Never assume the contest is over until there is absolutely no possible way for your opponent to take the lead in the remaining time. If you win, treat the defeated with utmost respect, regardless of how well they played the game.  Perhaps this is old fashioned sportsmanship in the era of ball spikes and trash talk.  But it did govern the way we dealt with the losers of World War II and it worked well in that venue.  It works in politics, too.  By his offensive behavior toward Hillary Clinton, Obama offended her followers.  That’s not good for him.


Obama easily walked into the U.S. Senate after his opponent was sabotaged by sexually bizarre sealed court records of his dovorce being ropened at the behest of the Chicago Tribune.  Obama’s eleventh hour opponent, Alan Keyes, is an articulate and honorable man who never had a prayer of winning that election. Keyes was political cannon fodder. 


Consequently, Obama is in the first real fist fight of his short political career and he’s getting arrogant because he’s running against the former First Lady of an impeached President. 


He should be on guard.


Pride goeth before the fall.

Taking cue from Hezbollah, Hamas honing fighting force

Article published Apr 21, 2008
Taking cue from Hezbollah, Hamas honing fighting force

April 21, 2008

By Joshua Mitnick – TEL AVIV — Israeli analysts say a series of strikes against Israeli outposts on the border with the Gaza Strip indicates Hamas has improved its fighting capability, aspiring to repeat Hezbollah’s successes in Lebanon.

Palestinian militants have launched five attacks on or near Israeli-run border crossings into Gaza in less than two weeks. Thirteen soldiers were injured Saturday in a car bombing at the Kerem Shalom crossing, a few days after three soldiers were killed in an ambush on the Palestinian side of the border near the Nahal Oz crossing.

“We’ve never seen anything like this attack since the disengagement” from Gaza in 2005, said Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant after the Saturday attack. “Its purpose was mass killing and the kidnapping of soldiers.” The attacks on the Israeli crossing terminals along the fence, say observers, are designed to draw attention to Israel economic blockade around the Gaza Strip, which has been all but sealed by Israel.

Israeli officials claim that by targeting crossing terminals, which transmit humanitarian and basic supplies, Hamas is cynically worsening the hardship of the blighted economy of 1.4 million people.

However, observers in Gaza say residents generally support the attacks.

Hezbollah is seen as the Arab world’s one fighting force that has succeeded against Israel’s army where national militaries have failed, having forced Israel to withdraw from southern Lebanon in 2000 and fought Israel to a draw in the 2006 war in Lebanon.

Hamas, which Israel says has sent military officers to Hezbollah-patron Iran for training, has increased its fighting force and organized it into regional brigades with disciplined soldiers.

After taking control of Gaza from Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party last year, Hamas has added foreign-made rockets and more anti-tank missiles to its arsenal. Just as Hezbollah created an elaborate network of bunkers in southern Lebanon in anticipation of an Israeli invasion, Hamas is also believed to have dug itself in by booby-trapping the Gaza refugee camps.

In the attacks Saturday, militants used the early-morning fog to confuse the Israelis. At Kerem Shalom, three vehicles were packed with explosives and driven toward the Palestinian side of the terminal under the cover of a mortar attack.

In the ambush that killed three Israeli soldiers, Israelis were lured across the border by an apparent decoy and attacked under the cover of early- morning fog. A week ago, a few militants infiltrated an Israeli fuel terminal on the border and killed two civilians.

“I definitely see a rise in the capabilities of Hamas and a rise in the motivation, and I see an increase in the level of assistance that Hamas is getting from Iran and Hezbollah,” said Danny Rothschild, a retired general, in an interview with Israel Radio.

Islamists in Gaza have also started using foreign-made Katyusha rockets, which have a longer range and a more powerful explosive than the local Qassam rockets, echoing Hezbollah’s ability to rain missiles down on northern Israel during the 2006 war in Lebanon.

What Islam Isn’t

What Islam Isn’t

By Dr. Peter Hammond | 4/21/2008

The following is adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book: Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat:

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.

Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called ‘religious rights.’

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to ‘the reasonable’ Muslim demands for their ‘religious rights,’ they also get the other components under the table. Here’s how it works (percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris –car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam – Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

‘Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel. – Leon Uris, ‘The Haj’

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Multiple choice quiz

Multiple choice quiz

Bruce Gans
A story appeared in the Sunday Chicago Tribune refuting Obama’s claims of early poverty.  According to the article, at the same time that Obama said he,

“was so broke when he arrived in Los Angeles for the Democratic National Convention in 2000 that his credit card was rejected when he tried to rent a car,”


the Obamas had already put $111,000 cash down payment on a condo and were earning more than $240,000.


Did Obama lie?


a. He did not lie-he just put his foot in his mouth.
b. He was not in attendance when he was saying he was broke. It happened when he was not there.
c.  He has been taken out of context. He meant that to say that he was concerned about other people who might be broke for whom he has dedicated his every waking moment out of his well documented selfless altruism .
d. He considers being a high six figure income in the 1990’s to be as good as broke compared to Al Gore and his Google millions and Bill Clinton and his speechifying millions and George Bush and his inherited and baseball millions.
e.  None of this matters. It is all a distraction from the real issues which are that all we have to do is to put him in office and he will change everything for the better and there will finally reign peace on earth good will toward men and economic equality for all.
f.  He is a con man.


Thomas Lifson adds:


I have had credit cards rejected a few times in my life without being anywhere near broke. Mostly this happens when I am on a trip, and the credit card company flags a large transaction as suspicious, possibly because I charged my airline ticket on another card. Rental car companies sometimes put a large deposit charge on the card of a prospective renter before letting the car out of the lot, especially if they have never rented to the person before. When the car is returned, the large charge is revoked, and the actual charge is sent in.


My guess is that Obama did have his credit card rejected on some similar grounds. But portraying that as evidence of his poverty is deeply dishonest. This would be yet another example of misleading people, while strictly sticking to the facts. Do the American people want that sort of man in the Oval Office?